Tree of Savior Forum

Let me tell you the truth about the future of this

… wut? SCIENCE!!

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As a founder and someone who played Alpha until the end and ditched release it’s not a “perfect” example because they were a conflicting publisher and developing company. They also were a bit more vocal with the community spreading lies from the start about that stupid Archeum patch never going in and continued to come out publicly saying things would get fixed on their streams.

A bit different because the game’s developers aren’t relying on publishers and instead basically cooked up their own “founder” packs which obviously didn’t go into fixing anything. Aside from that all token content and BS is straight from kTOS having already been developed in beta.

So -it is- their fault for being dumb releasing bad content but it’s not as bad as Archeage where they removed any means to craft and aquire items within the game effectively. Instead they just removed the means to actually play the game itself with bad servers and no monster spawns. :joy:

Now, if they release in the cash shop the dungeon reset scrolls given out for maintence and a world boss cube timer reset scroll and things, then yes we are taking more steps towards the full retard that Trion/XLGames took with Archeage.




“You don’t agree with me? Then my lies are the truth.”

I didn’t come for the same reason as you, hun. Not everyones a furry loving f*ck.

It is the gaming company and the publisher fault because it’s the same company. Did you google it yet? No? Want me to show you?

I am right, and you are wrong.

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