Tree of Savior Forum

Launcher feedback and suggestions

First thing I can think about is, allow people to change game settings in the launcher itself. Many times I’ve seen people complaining about being unable to do that, because they might be able to play the game on lower settings, but as the game comes with default settings on first launch, they, sometimes, can’t even get to open the client.

Next isn’t as important as other stuff, but would be nice to see. Allow the player to move the launcher around the screen. Now, why is this annoying? Because some people like to use the Windows toolbar on the upper side of the screen (take myself for one xD) and the top part of the launcher sits underneath the toolbar.


I’d like to second this very sensible suggestion.

They know that,… but its beta >_< please remember its BETA, beta games are full of bugs,… its like having a Pizza but you only cooked it half the minute it needed to be cooked

its like having an ice cream but there’s no flavor in it,… ( LOL THAT WOULD BE ICE )

but yea i’m sure they are aware of it but, they have major things to fix rather than minor stuffs, when everything isn’t even finalize, good example is the Patcher, i’m sure its just temporary soo they just shove that in

I’m aware of that my fellow SheepPoop :). I just wanted to send my feedback and I as I mentioned, it is not important right now.

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I’d like to add another one: don’t use flash for the launcher. Flash is a dying format for one, but it’s also full of security vulnerabilities, and adobe often takes its sweet time patching them. Better use something like HTML5, Qt (QML) or plain C++

@SheepPoop: exactly because this is beta, it’s the right time to send feedback like this.

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I have a suggestion.

Lets put this on hold after beta? I mean come on guys i dont think the launcher is their priority right now. The launcher can easily be changed. Especially on changing from flash to html5 comment.

But i agree on the suggestion to be able to change some settings using the launcher.

You seem to underestimate how crucial a stable and well working launcher is. In any case, discussing this does not add anything to the discussion at hand.