Tree of Savior Forum

Last Rites vs Aspergillum

Can someone please explain how these two Chaplain skills work? Are they complementary? Also, is the Holy damage they apply magic or physical? TYIA

I think in a way every offensive Chaplain skill compliments each other as you will always proc each one every auto attack, aside from Visible Talent(Which still uses auto attacks). To specifically answer your question, they really compliment each other because they both activate through auto attacking.


  • Not a basic attack modifier, but a skill that procs via auto attacks.
  • Because of the above Aspergillum itself is not buffed by the Saint Oath set.
  • Holy Damage caused by the skill always uses your magic attack stat.

Last Rites

  • Adds an additional line to every auto attack(Like Priest Sacrament/Pardoner Shop Sacrament)
  • While you don’t get a second extra line if you use both Priest Sacrament and Last Rites together, the damage that both skills add do stack.

It should be noted that the above isn’t set in stone, as Chaplain is set to get changes on the 29th. While the class will seemingly remain auto attack focused, some of the above may change.

Just read the patch notes for next week, it sounds like they will make the effects of Chaplain skills compatible with magic builds, which suggests that at present they are physical?

So anyway, does this mean that Last Rites add more hits to your AA, and these hits are of holy property and physical(?), while Aspergillum gives holy property and additional damage to your AA?

In any case, I guess it doesn’t really matter, because for a magic build you want the Aspergillum ARTS anyway, right?

Just read the patch notes for next week, it sounds like they will make the effects of Chaplain skills compatible with magic builds, which suggests that at present they are physical?`

I think this is just IMC being confused about a class that they rarely give any attention. It doesn’t help that Chaplain has the stats of a physical class, but does more magic damage than physical, which may lead to the person planning the buffs thinking that Chaplain is primarily a physical class. I personally consider it a magic class thanks to Aspergillum, and because of that I already see Chaplain as compatible with magic builds.

So anyway, does this mean that Last Rites add more hits to your AA, and these hits are of holy property and physical(?), while Aspergillum gives holy property and additional damage to your AA?

Yes Last Rites adds an additional hit to your AA’s, but I’m not exactly sure how they scale (or if they even scale at all) in relation to magic/physical damage. I’m pretty sure additional property damage is it’s own thing, but don’t quote me on that.

Aspergillum is weird, as I said earlier Aspergillum is skill that is used via autos, when you auto with Aspergillum active you’ll see a little splash of light coming off of your swing, and that’s what Aspergillum is. While Aspergillum essentially does give more damage to your AA’s and is holy property, it doesn’t use any of the buffs that normally only apply to AA’s (The big one being Saint Oath Set).

In any case, I guess it doesn’t really matter, because for a magic build you want the Aspergillum ARTS anyway, right?

Depends on the build you decide to run, but generally yes. You’ll rarely have time to fit in AA’s when running certain builds, so it’s often better to just take the Aspergillum Art and use it as a regular skill.

Amazing reply and super helpful, thanks a bunch!

After testing out these skills, it looks like:

  • Aspergillum adds to your normal AA a magical Holy-attack, which is buffed by magic attack buffs (obviously) as well as Capella.

  • Last Rites add to your normal AA a few more hits, which do not seem to be buffed by magic attack buffs or Capella.

Last Rites:
you gain an extra damage line in your auto attack, it’s like a additional damage type holy, so he ignore the defense, but holy defense or additional damage defense can diminue they damage.

for each point you have in STR/INT/DEX/SPR you gain 5 addidional damage.
for exemple you have:
STR: 100
DEX: 100
INT: 100
SPR: 100
Total: 400
so your addiditional damage in your Last Rites will be 2,000, but if you have attibute lvl 100 will be 3,200

you gain another extra magic attack line in your auto attack, this attack is magic and type holy.

Cappela can grow the damage from Aspergillum, but Chaplain will gain a little rework, the skills will be:

Last Rites: a grow in your skill factor(can be change)
Aspergillum: a grow in your skill factor(can be change)
Binatio: Will be change, now he is a buff that change your auto attack to magic, like Double Punch from monk.
Deploy Capella: not revealed.
now the attribute “Physical Stat” can change Aspergillum and Binatio from Magic to Physical.

Thanks for your reply, this is exactly what seems to be happening at present, and Chaplain is actually quite fun to use!

I also saw the suggested changes for Binatio and the Magical Stat attribute in the kToS patch notes, I didn’t see anything about last rites and aspergillum, but it sounds like they’ll ruin the skills? I don’t fully understand what you’re explaining will change in the skills.

Also, do you know when the changes are coming to iToS?

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They will be stronger or at least thats what they said.

At least 2 months after ktos gets it unfortunately…so it could be January? X) It also happened before that they skipped January so… xD Don’t expect anything and if it comes earlier it’s a nice surprise xD…

Well they said it will get a totally new effect. What I’m rly happy about because it’s quite restricted right now but I’m wondering what will it be.

Oh I see, so it’ll be a while…

What do you mean? Apart from AA builds, Deploy Capella is the main reason to pick Chaplain! The attribute gives you permanent +80% holy damage, which is amazing. Currently using with Exorcist-Crusader, and the damage is pretty solid. I hope they don’t change this skill or I’ll just change my Chaplain.

to be honest, I wanted a lifesteal or something like this, but it’s can be a little OP, hahaha

Because it’s only rly good in holy builds while chaplain could fit in other builds too. Also I think Chaplain should be strong enough on its own and not just buffing other classes.

I wouldn’t mind somekind of more defensive skill tbh whatever it would be.

last rites scales with stats, aspergilum with matk

honestly deploy capella is the only one skill they should not touch.
if they touch they are so fkd up and we are imced again
its most likely another disgusting nerf, makin it more non viable
to make chap more viable for magic skill build, they should add another arts to turn another skill aside from aspergillum into a dps skill cause rn you will only end up taking aspergillum and deploy capella and the rest of the skills are sucks for non-aa-magic build
and all these sucks skills are the one they shouldve reworked
for aa a change to visible talent cd to become a very short one or even a 30 min buff that accumulate damages,store it and blow it each like 5 second will be great.its technically an improved toy hammer as a skill
also reduce skill point required for paraclitus time cause its just freaking pain barrier but it takes 10 skill point like seriously…

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Aspergillum and Deploy Cappella are the reason I took this class as a magic build. If they nerf them I’m class changing! They are the main reason you grab Chaplain. A skill to change your AA to magic would be nice.

Binatio with magic attribute will do that…at least it seems at the moment.

Yes, that’s what I’m saying, this sounds like a positive change. As for the rest of changes mentioned here… Idk what source they were based on, but hopefully they won’t mess up with our skills.