Tree of Savior Forum

Last 3 ranks / what would you want in your group?

I was following someone’s suggested build on the mage discussion thread that went:
Wiz > Cryo > Linker > Linker > Sorc > Sorc > Sorc

Now after reading a ton more threads (tbh it always feels like you’ve read a lot then I come back 2 days later and there’s stuff I didn’t read) I’m not sure if Sorc C3 is the right way to go -_-???

I’m set on:
Wiz > Cryo > Linker > Linker > ? > ? > ? (if there is something a lot better than C2 linker I can swap that one out, but I have locked down the first 3 classes already in game so not able to change them orz)

My question is:
Given the first 4 ranks above what final build would you want most in your PVE group level 150++?

(I can suffer some slow solo grinding to get the build so don’t let that affect your judgement I just want to know what people find useful in dungeons etc, needless to say I didn’t play beta or anything so this is my first time on TOS)

the only reason to go cryo-linker is if you are going sorc, like, hard sorc, since cryo1s only function here is to freeze things after linking them and grouping them togeather so your temple shooter can shoot them nicely.

I mean, you could theoretically go cryo3 linker3 for some sort of alternative CC build, it might even be good in pvp, and cryo3 is popular in ET, and linker3 would be popular everywhere else

But that sounds like the most horrible experience ever, cryo3kino3 would be a more apropriate ‘cc god’ build, also leveling as cryo is painful untill cryo3, and not getting that till rank 6 would suck hard

most people dont sorc c3, but sorc2-warlock, though honestly i think more people should go c3 for thematic reasons, warlock gives you the badly needed ability to apply direct burst damage though, since sorc is more of a sustained steady damage otherwise, and cryo-linker certainly isnt giving you any damage at all.

are you trying to go full support or full dps or what??

if you want dps, dont take linker for cryo since it doesnt pair to well with cryo. cryo-pysco is pretty good becasue of pyshic pressure being the combo to ice wall but you will need to get cyro to at least circle 2

Interesting. Thanks for your help D:

Yeah I wish I had asked about this before I made the character and did the Link quest; unfortunately I’ve got the first 3 classes locked down now (I’m not fussed enough about it to remake) – the cryo3-kino3 build won’t be possible. Sorry for this really noob question but what is real the benefit in Linker C3, is it really noticeable?

Also it sounds like you’re not against Sorc C3? I just wasn’t sure what to think about the ‘bad AI’ that I saw mentioned a lot, what is your take on that? Is Sorc C3 viable in GVG/group PVP at all?

Yeah I read about Cryo-Kino builds now, I should’ve read a lot more into it before going into it.

First 3 classes are locked down, I thought Linker C1 by itself is a waste so I should get it C2 at least… D: Would you rather have
Wiz > Cry > Link > Cry > Kino > Cry > ?; or something else
Wiz > Cry > Link > Link > ? > ? > ?

As for what build I’m aiming for I don’t really mind, I want dungeons parties to find me useful, and while I’d hope not to be completely useless in group PVP/GVG it’s not my priority.

Linker is all about joint penalty and hangmans, thats all its really about. The buff share ability is usualy more detramental than helpful, since the buff cap limit means everyones little self buff will be given to everyone else and you end up with no room for actual good buffs as they get overwritten annoyingly. The stat share ability in c3 is kind of neat, but most people have similar stat builds anyway so its very little bonus.

Basically, you go linker 3 for the same reason you go linker2, additional links in joint penalty.

And 3 compared to 2 is similar to 2 compared to 1, more links = more useful later on in dungeons. The reason linker is not liked that much in ET is basically because cryo is better then, since frost tree doesnt have a restriction, and ET is just so crowded with mob that linker, even linker2, cant get them all. Linker3 wouldnt either, however theoretically if someone was taking a cryo3, and they just happened to also be a linker, nobody would complain about it i dont think, though cryo3-chrono3 is the standard support slot wizard for ET.

Sorc is strangley good in GVG i hear, but i dont have experience there. And it might have been a cryo3-sorc2 build they were talking about…

cryo is good in pvp for two things, the tree and the shield, maybe cryo2-linker2-sorc2 would turn out ok. Then you can have cryo2s shield, and linker2-sorc2 for good reliable damage output. THen when rank 8 comes around you could grab cryo3 to complete the build and pick up tree and buff your cryo shield further. This would probably be a potent gvg build come to think of it. You would want to go con heavy and be like a tank mage with annoying hard to deal with damage, and massive cc ability.

Yeah… i cant really recommend it because i have no experience with that kind of thing, but cryo2-linker2-sorc2 is a build that i would see in game and think “that person probably knows what they are doing”, because while its not meta, i can see the logic behind it, and if someone were to say they are planning on cryo3 at rank8, it wouldnt sound like a stupid thing.

ID say pick up sorc and get sorc2 and see how you feel about it when rank 7 comes along. You can stick with your plan and go warlock for a more pve oriented build, or you can go cryo2 in preparation for rank 8 and cryo3, and in the mean time, though cryo2 is not so great, at least you will have rank 5 in the shield, which will let you get some pvp functionality out of it, though keep in mind everything ive heard says this sort of build is more gvg/larger scale pvp focused than the 2v2 stuff you see

Ahh, this is so very useful thank you so much. I think Cry2-Link2-Sorc2 actually sounds fun D:

Leaving Link C2 out really would kinda render my Link C1 kinda pointless right? I would leave it out for an extra Cryo but it just feels so bad ‘wasting’ a rank x.x

For build order would this be okay?
Wiz > Cry > Link (already set) > Cry > Link > Sorc > Sorc

Or would you recommend Link 2 straight away - I don’t know anything about dungeon progression >.<

Actually, if you are only linker1 for now… maybe shooting for

cryo3-linker1-sorc2 would be better. Then you can raise linker when rank 8 comes out, or alternatively pick up a different class then (this is probably the way to go)

linker1 works if you get the gem for a total of 6 links. Its not quite as optimal for grouping, but your value to a group will be the cryo3, linker1 is good enough for your own personal use to make your temple shooter aoe while soloing, as well as add some damage while grouped.

I would probably go with that, since cryo3 really is a huge upgrade over cryo2, linker2 is only a 2 mob link upgrade provided you get the +1 gem.

Keep in mind you will now need that gem, as well as a temple shooter card, thats two rare things to get. Though you can try to trade for them, once you get them you are set for life though.

Basically, it is considered acceptable to get 1 rank only in linker, if you are doing it for sorc purposes. The linker2 minimum is what people who are wanting to function as a linker in a group, though you can function as a cryo instead with this build

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