Tree of Savior Forum

Lagging Issues for SEA server

Hi, I played iTOS since beta. I was happy when IMC announced they will open sea server. When TOS start F2P, lagging issues and high latency due to overload number of F2P player connected to SEA server. ok we as a pay user understand since maybe you guys underestimate the number of player. But may i ask How Long You Guys Need To Fix/Solve This Problem? I was waiting the problem fix ASAP but sadly i don’t see any improvement. Please IMC, TOS is a superb game but with this kind of lagging, i dont think everyone able to patient especially Pay user.

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1 full month for this issue imc can not solve it

I play Archer but i can not shoot it. WTF


my friends keep lagging on the SEA server silute and varena… they want to buy the FOUNDERS PACK but its not yet available in shop, so we can both play in TELSIAI SERVER… please IMC just release any Founder packs, my friends have waited a month just to play this game, now they have tested it they want to experience a lag free server like TELSIAI, just release another access founder for TELSIAI…

Sorry to burst your bubble but Telsiai is lagging like hell right now. Your friends shouldn’t have waited and bought it when this game isn’t F2P anymore because that’s the purpose of the Founder’s Pack.

As for the OP, there’s a lot of similar threads like this. I don’t think you should have made another.

Ping test: 35 ms
Actual ping: 280-480 ms

I think the server is located on the moon…

There was probably a hundred of these topics. IMC don’t care. Perhaps they don’t know how to fix it (or know that it’s impossible) so there isn’t anything they can say.