Tree of Savior Forum

Lack of trading system IS CRIPPLING THE GAME


I’ve been playing all kinds of mmos for a pretty long time so this is something that I can confidently claim for this game:

It has the WORST SOLUTION EVER for bots.

Everyone gets ■■■■■■ and normal players can’t trade (and not even players who bought TP, to be fair), so bots will get VERY SLIGHTLY annoyed when tying to sell gold(silver).

Are the developers intending to do anything to fix this? It feels like they made a poll named “The worst possible way to ■■■■ the trading in this game” and went with what we currently have.

Let’s rate our current trading system:

Pros: None (doesn’t stop bots, they’ll just buy something from the marketplace for the person they’re selling the silver to).

-Makes farming nearly completely pointless (needs to wait 2 days for silver).
-Makes crafting nearly entire pointless (same as above)
-CAN ONLY LIST 5 ITEMS…IF YOU’RE PAYING TO PLAY! (this one is just absolutely retarded)
-10/30% tax when using the marketplace, which would be fine on its own but coupled with the retarded trading limitations…yeah
-There’s no actual trading system ingame. Can’t trade for silver, even trading itself is limited to 30 trades a month (need confirmation for this one).
-Other things, but I’m too dumb and it’s too late for my brain to work properly so I can’t remember it right now.

My point is, this is literally the worst trading system of any mmo I ever heard of or played, and that includes games without trading at all.

This is basically a grind oriented game with no actual realistic way of farming everything by yourself and it doesn’t really have a trading system implemented…on a game that ABSOLUTELY NEEDS IT.

Maybe a lot of people won’t see it right now, but even if you don’t, this WILL destroy the game in the middle or long term and will GREATLY impact the game’s longevity. It makes leveling a pain, grinding a pain, farming a pain, crafting a pain and just removes a lot of the fun the game could have.

Oh, so am I here just to complain? Not really. In fact, I thought of many betters solutions while writing this topic:

  1. Have the current trade/marketplace limitations for low (x-y) level players.
  2. Hire several underpaid skilled monkeys to manually ban every gold seller (best and most obvious solution!)
  3. Let us ■■■■■■■ trade.

Now, this might seem like a pretty pointless topic, but I think it'll be for the greater good if EVERYONE makes noise about this. WE NEED A TRADING SYSTEM IN THIS GAME!



WORTH MENTIONING: If their purpose of removing the trading in this game is to sell more TP, that’s even dumber as this game DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A DECENT CASH SHOP! I mean, there’s barely anything to buy, but I’m sure they’ll fix this by adding overpriced ■■■■ before actually implementing a trade system on this game before it dies.



Edit: If you still can't see the implications of everything I said, just think of things this way: me and just about every friend that started the game with me agree on one thing: with the current state of the game, it's really hard to say we'll still be playing next month. It's not just THE TRADING, but it sure as hell is most of it.
To be fair, we already paid for the founder's access, so I guess IMC got what they wanted of us...?


Edit2: Someone made a petition so we can get a trading system, PLEASE sign, any help or just voicing your thoughts is good!

aggree, could not say anything better than you did.


yeah I run around with my premades and we keep finding equip for each other, just that we can’t give it to each other -.-" wtf…

We really are annoyed by this sht…


I must agree that the great inconvenience of not having a trading system in this game is staggeringly irritating. My gf and I play this game and I am always wanting to give her gear that I find and share items to complete our collections and also just share things we want to craft and name for each other. They are doing so much harm with these so-called gold seller preventive measures. The gold sellers will do what they do one way or the other. By removing the trading for players they are annihilating one of the things that makes mmorpgs so enjoyable… :frowning:


I can trade without issues. On market there are a lot of items. Maybe shorten waiting for silver and double sell quantity and we will be ok.

The issue here is that they’re deliberately removing the game’s potential.
You say there are a lot of items…but it 100% WON’T LAST!
Heck, at this rate it’s hard to say this game will last longer than 3 months, and I’m being really generous.
I hate to say this but without a trading system I just can’t see myself playing this next month, and honestly every single friend of mine that plays the game feels the same!

If you think there are a lot of items, just think there should be 10 times as many!
As for crafting mats and recipes it’s mostly pointless to trade at all, since you need to have a good money flux for it to work properly.

And the worst part? IT SOLVES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Gold sellers are just as annoying and spammy as they always are, and they’re still selling gold using the marketplace as well.

What happens is that, in the end, they all but removed the trading system FOR NOTHING!
Or rather, to be fair, this will absolutely make the game die a lot faster than it should, so I guess I shouldn’t say it’s not doing anything, right?
They’re killing our enjoyment, isn’t that great?

It’d be nice if everyone could start complaining everywhere, so MAYBE the devs could fix something.


the whole paywall on trading and storage within account is gonna cause the game to die out, majority of users in the game is gonna consist of mainly f2p users. If you wish for ppl to buy subscription leave basic features basic for f2p while premium features like cosmetics, mounts, and pets premium, follow maplestory, I dislike not being able to transfer items between my own characters let alone i already spend $10 and I’m missing out the very basic core of mmorpg which is trading and storage within ones own account. If you wanted to make trading premium that should have been the market place/auction house.


i really miss the personal buy/sell RO-style shops icbt2 had ;(


Yeah, this lack of trading is a real deal breaker… as i said before, i really feel cheated by this paid access…


Well we did know there was a possibility of this system being implemented.

But at the VERY LEAST!
Do these 4 things

  1. make it so that Tokens are required to trade high rarity items not trade as a hole.

  2. Shorten the waiting time on receiving market place sales.

  3. Trading to yourself via account storage does not weaken items!

  4. Actually remove the system where you lose potential for trading items.

This is the MOST stupid thing I’ve ever seen
Why am I paying to lost potential on an item?
If I hand you a bottle of soda it doesn’t instantly lose its carbonation and go flat…

This! So much this.
Or make it so you can’t trade untill after your first job advancement.


All is for $$$

With free trade and/or “ro-style shops”, you can trade an item to someone, and someone to an alter.

So, IMC can not abuse you selling team storage function.


Seriously, this is retarded. IMC look and think the reactions of YOUR CUSTOMERS (when free release opens will be much worse).
You can’t do this in western market. You are destroying you image selling basic core functions of any mmorpg.

You want to fight RMT?

  • Ban (chat filter) every website announced in shout. (so, they can’t announce their websites)
  • Put someone to work monitoring the shout chat. (Kicking goldsellers and noting the websites)
  • Implement free trade like blade and soul. (Free for all but available at level 15 to avoid bots trading).


  • If a player can play the game, a bot can play the game, ALWAYS
  • If a player can get silver from auction shop, a gold seller can sell money through auction shop, ALWAYS.

More human work and less stupid restrictions to fight the real problem.

Losing potential for item is like a free punch on the face of everyone with no reason. It is ok in the enhancement system, but selling, trading and putting in the team storage???
IMC what are you playing?


We create an undersigned.

If you guy’s want to signed:


Nice that you are so generous to give it 3 months - it will certainly mean a lot to all people involved.

However - although drastic the trading is still functional. What you need you buy from the marketplace or if you are token players you can simply trade it.

It certainly isn’t crippling anything if your buddy cannot give you a new shiny white item. If it means so much for you, then put the item cheaply into the auction house and let him refresh for 30 minutes - 2 hours :smiley:

I agree to this… and ALL other THREADS like this regarding LACK OF TRADING SYSTEM…

other than server instability and gold seller problems…
This concern should also be considered since everyday i check on forums there are ALMOST ALWAYS new threads regarding this almost absurd LACK OF TRADING SYSTEM… which is making me VERY VERY SAD :cry::cry::cry:


+1 Totally agree. Worst Trading system ever because there is no trading at all

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[quote=“marceloqrzz, post:1, topic:166127”]
-10/30% tax when using the marketplace, which would be fine on its own
[/quote]Actually it is not. It is impossible for F2P players to compete in market play. For example: you sell an item (gold bar) and want to get at least 50k silver from it. Token user can list it for 55.6k while F2P players will have to list it for 71.5k to get same profit. Difference of 30% is way to big imo. Plus F2P player will have to pay more for listing item to never get it sold.

[quote=“riwerv1, post:11, topic:166127”]
Losing potential for item is like a free punch on the face of everyone with no reason. It is ok in the enhancement system, but selling, trading and putting in the team storage???
[/quote]Would you rather have a soulbind system: BoP/BoE?


In 99% of mmorpgs are free trade. AND some items (dungeon gear, set items etc) account/character bound.
But bound WHEN picked up in a system where a party can see the item and let the item to who need its.

So YES, I prefer a soul bind system.

But of course not for every item, even a low level ■■■■ white sword loses potential selling in AH. This is a nonsense.

Now you are haggling.

I’m only complaining because ToS is not being like any other mmorpg on key issues.

No CUSTOMERS dont have problem as they have the token and can trade. This game will be destroyed with free trade and f2p. Multi bot accounts spamming items on market and in game. There needs to be trade restriction or game needs different payment model (p2p or b2p).
Most unhappy people paid 10$ and now have problem. Dont be cheap and support IMC !!!