Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

tooltip from tos.neet says that steady aim also buffs crossbow

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They nerfed the crit damage for crossbow specifically, and disabled it for all non-arrow types. Maybe they want to open up more options for Arbalest builds, like fletcher?
I like Ranger doing damage on its own though, it has always been the worst class in the game damage wise in exchange for having those really strong buffs, which is a pretty bad way of balancing a class imo.


Yeah the flagship of Ranger barrage is just Meh even with ARTS. IMO Class Ranger should be a green icon unless they do something about it.

wait for all ranger skills to have ARTS maybe something useful will come up
or maybe the never released Master Classes will save it

Master Classes

its a myth of hope :tired:

new hope to dev notes:


Suggestions to the Development Team: July

I’m going to provide a quick translation of this. Doing 1:1 word proper full translations takes a lot of time, effort, and editing, and instead of just not providing players with this information, I’m going to give (what I believe to be) most of/all of the important details.

Suggestion: New party system proposal

This suggestion has a lot of detail, and comes from a player who wants IMC to introduce a new party system, with a recruiting UI, the ability to fill in slots with player roles, etc.

IMC’s Response
IMC says they want players to have more social interactions between users, and this is important in an MMORPG to make it feel like there is communication and the game is alive. However, they do agree that shouting being the only way is inconvenient, so they do want to improve this and add some kind of party list system, but can’t give a timeframe at the moment due to their current planned roadmap.

Suggestion: Add a limit to bad luck/help relieve bad luck streaks

Players want a system to add a limit to how unlucky you can be with drops/ichors/etc, and add more consistent progression.

IMC’s Response
IMC says they fulfilled this with ichors by adding ichor transmutation, and recently lowered the silver cost to 100k instead of 3 million.

There are two types of items drop in the game:

  1. Random chance drop (vaivora, archstone, etc)
  2. Definitive drops (Skiaclipse Feathers, Glacier Hearts, Split Singularity rewards, etc)

They realize that players are mostly upset about Archstones, which are required for Arks and Karaliene accessories. They believe that the gap in power between the original ark, and the older accessories (Drakonas/Moringponia -> Karaliene) is what is causing players to be more upset about bad luck because it is a large gap in power. They feel this is a psychological problem caused by the balance (on items and drop rates) set forth by the development team.

No matter how low the drop rate on some items may be, if players didn’t feel they were essential to progression, or if there they were making steps in between on the way to the end goal, they wouldn’t be as upset with being unlucky.

They are preparing a more structured staircase progression system that will make these situations not feel as bad both psychologically and economically, and plan to provide updates in the near future.

Suggestion: Stop adding connection time events

Players want IMC to stop adding events that require you to stay online in the game for large periods of time, for a variety of important real-life reasons outside the game (referring to events that require you to simply idle or be connected to the game for many hours).

IMC’s Response
IMC says event rewards, time-frames on event durations, and other details are considered when they make these events.

They are doing it keeping in mind the different types of players that enjoy Tree of Savior and how much time they have to play. Whether that be getting coins from doing actual content or just afking, they want everyone to be able to get rewards for fairness.

They do realize though that several saviors are complaining about fatigue from the number of times they use connection time events and how long they ask players to be connected, so they want to focus on giving more benefits to saviors for playing content (while keeping in mind how long the content can take) and focus less on “meaningless connection time goals.”

They will strive to improve the way they plan and operate events within the game.

Suggestion: Buff level 440 legend set bonuses

Players are upset the level 440 legend set bonuses are weaker than level 400 set bonuses, resulting in some situations where level 400 equipment is stronger than level 440 equipment.

IMC’s Response
IMC acknowledges that 440 set bonuses are intentionally weaker than 400, but the level 440 equipment (savinose/glacier) main stats (attack/defense) are much higher, along with more power granted when used in certain content. Additionally, if you use the equipment in their respective contents, it is certainly advantageous and stronger regardless if the 440 set bonus is weaker.

They want to ensure that the 440 equipment is always better, and will manage the power of items to ensure that 400 equipment is not going to be worse than 440 equipment as a result of this legend set bonus difference. Level 440 equipment has buffs and set bonuses that are better in specific content, and they purposely made it so only armor is changed for content specific bonuses and you can use the same weapon in all content. Regardless of these specific bonuses, they don’t want 400 equipment to be better than 440 equipment, even if you’re using not using it in the content it provides benefits toward.

The development team agrees that there is a sudden increase in the burden of time and in-game item investments needed for new equipment compared to the old equipment. They decided to do temporary events with discounts to get the set bonuses easier as a result. In the future, if they add new set bonuses for equipment that already exists, they will also do a discount so you don’t feel like you are wasting money on a current bonus when a new one gets released. Also, they plan on adding the solo version of Legend White Witch’s Forest in an upcoming update, so you will be able to obtain more Glacier Hearts to more easily obtain level 440 equipment.

Suggestion: Provide better explanations on class nerfs

This suggestion comes from a player who is upset that they nerfed Rogue’s Knife Throwing and wants better explanations on reasoning for class nerfs.

IMC’s Response
IMC apologizes for not providing a better notification for this change that came with the 7/23 update, where they changed the requirement on the damage benefit from [Bull’s-eye] to hit the enemy with a dagger rather than a pierce attack.

They did not intend to nerf [Bull’s-eye], but rather nerf the Knife Throwing art when it was re-balanced, because they wanted the basic Knife Throwing (without the art) to be more effective and not just have the art be better in all situations. [Bull’s-eye]'s activation condition was changed to all dagger skills so that Knife Throwing can be used more universally, and all dagger classes can make use of it.

However, classes like Shinobi and Outlaw can’t meet this new condition in all circumstances on their skills, so this resulted in significant inconsistency with their goal. In the 8/6 update, they made Shinobi skills have better synergy with it, and also modified the condition to simply wearing a dagger, so it will benefit dagger classes in all situations.

The development team will strive to do better about informing you of changes and will do their best to not repeat the same mistakes in the future.


People don’t like having their progress be up to chance, less so with finite amounts of tries per week. News at eleven.


Its not even the archstones, like 0.0000000001% of the player base has gotten 1, I have no realistic expectation of ever seeing one and im fine with that.

What makes me honestly consider moving to another game atleast once a week is watching someone I know get their 3rd or 4th Vaivoria drop of the WEEK while I have still not gotten one in countless CMs and 300+ hours of field farming Path of Desition and West Jugners.

They just need to close the gap between player A and player B, player A does an specific amount of content and makes 2 billion silver, player B does the exact same amount of content and makes 10 million silver, thats why Maple Story 2 went down in flames in a matter of months.


Hey i never got any vv or arch stone too, it is so sad when someone play so little got lucky and become rich

Is Server down? suddenly cant login in the servers.

“… not just have the art be better in all situations.”

(Looks at Judgement and Palm Strike Arts)


This happens when they rush content without having a deep thought on how it’s gonna affect the playerbase in the near future.
And we have these stupid “hope to dev notes” when the game is literally on fire.
Archstones should have never been introduced to the game, Lepidoptera Hard Mode raid was difficult enough to reward players with Karaliene + the cost to reroll and get 88 Moth Talc powders to craft them + time spent.
Now we have to deal with this stupid ■■■■ where RMTers are getting Karaliene’s and Thunder arks out of nowhere and ranking on WBR like they were any good at this game.

My team was the first on NA to get 88 Talc powders, and @lubu20 still doesn’t have Karaliene, while i got them last week. Meanwhile there’s people who didn’t even run Lepidoptera hard mode and have full Karaliene set. It’s triggering the sh*t out of me.

End of the rant, for now.

Edit: There’s no progression on this game, just RNG and RMT to win.


agree 100% with you.
And now they gonna RIP silver farming, increasing the gap between who already bought the end-game and who is still farming for it.

this is sad

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So sad. I don’t have hope of crafting those things if I dont RMT. :frowning:


THunder ark is imbalance, still somewhere have some whale use hackbot to make money. And Delete addon and lua system pls

is making all raid rewards behave like this can be the solution to prevent RMT?


I feel SALTY when the same guy get vaivora when i online, i want vaivora weapon have change type aswell like archstone, so the vaivora price is stable each type against another type, maybe sacrafice blessed gem 100 or silver 100m no issue, thats make vaivora price will be stable,

IMC need to have listed maximum vaivora get per month per team, so player who play casual vs hardcore gamer not too far, especially bot is scks so i agree no silver in field, i never field hunting, focuss cm slave and do weekly content

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We were the 2nd group to clear Moring Hard.

Each of our members has rerolled every single week. We have ALL only gotten powders.

I’ve also spent almost 1B on Goddess Grace (~300m of that after the archstone fragment was introduced). I have one archstone fragment to show for it. So since Moringponia Hard came out. I am 1B down and I have 1/40th of the way there for the accessories.

Let’s not even count how many CMs done, and I haven’t found 1 vaivora yet. These reasons and the game basically turning into a gacha mobile game are basically why I’ve pretty much stopped playing. I don’t enjoy gambling to get gear. I just got fed up with it.


I’m almost sure ir already did quite a while ago.

  • Multiple upgrade layers (fortunately no rebirth like feature yet)
  • Minimum combat interaction
  • Little to none stakes upon losing/failing (except when related to items…)
  • Value on stats and items (and combos) over personal skill and strategy
  • Character diversity almost exclusive to thematics
  • Progress tied to items and RNG, with stat checks that prevent players from engaging content

Not to mention the current Flex event that is a parody of itself (and likely the best way to do something like it) and the assister dungeon (that is a mobile game within ToS).

On a side note, the latter part of this video kinda nails what i mean when i say the current mobile direction isn’t sustainable and why the shift made if feel so dry to the point some players miss the pre-rebuild game way more than they enjoy the current version.