Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

why dead?
its still on top ranking build

Creeping Death Charm is the best single target skill in the entire game

I thought people hated Tao lmao

That 2 handed sword Ichor would be juicy

The +400% damage max damage bonus wont be effecting them as the damage that this caps on are buffs like kraujas, divine stigma, death sentence , fanaticism and all buffs that have similar effects that are multiplicative/additive to each other. Since getting the 400% cap is quite hard unless your a zealot in party with a krivis and a oracle. Otherwise most builds wont be effected by this change.

oh i almost forgot, does Double Ichor apply to legendary armors as well?

I miss type. Taoist is not dead, but they have their power decrease because of cap damage. I think its was one of the class that were more affected by this change. Knowing that, i was wandering if taiost continuous to be the top DPS on wizard tree.

Taoist should be fine but will suffer from that change the most. I don’t think it’ll make the class any less good, but may cause people to rethink set bonuses like kraujas.

I hate taoist, but warlock is nerfed to death so i still have to throw some papers to kill stuff

Okay i dont see bow skins

:o I want all the hats and costumes for my 8 Swordies :heart:

At work and all I could do is skim through it and saw this.
Hard shield If you do not wear a shield at weapon swap, the hard shield buff will be removed.

※ Even when it is instantly changed by automatic weapon swap, If you have not worn a shield, the buff will be released…



Sad that they corrected it, but still understandable. It’s not supposed to work how it’s working now.


Really made no sense for dopples to be running around with a 2h sword and loads of free defense.


So now hacka will be the only swordsman with hard shield and atk skills? =O
and with the change in Cata skills even better for hackas…

And lancer will not be gods.

IMC only need to nerf Genbu Armor and the game is almost “balanced”

Templar, Pelta and Rod also have some atk skills


I mean with real atk skills…

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So now we’ve got a COSMIC CAT, but still no regular cat/tiger/panther/feline…

RIP this build:

And it was getting more and more popular.