Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

I think the current Dragoon Helmet is really well done. 2% SP costs per second sound like much but it’s not if we consider the low SP pool of Swordsmen and the fact you can use an Alchemist SP potion every 15 seconds which recovers up to 2576 SP.

A normal Swordsman without any SP increase quest items/collection/equipment/title effect has ~4320 SP at lvl 390. Let’s say we give him a few collections & titles and increase that to 4500.
This means the Dragoon Helmet will drain 90 SP per second, or 1350 over 15 seconds.
This means it drains about 52,4% of an Alchemist lvl 15 potion away.

However, in the same time the Dragoon already recovered ~ 100 SP via natural SP recovery (if we average 3% of max SP over 20 seconds), so we’re looking at a net loss of ~1250 SP vs a recovery of 2576 via the lvl 15 Alchemist SP potion.

If we average that per 30 seconds so we can include the NPC potion, which recovers another 1834 SP every 25 seconds, we have a total SP recovery of 6986 SP via pots vs an upkeep cost of 2700 SP for the Helm, leaving you with 4286 SP to spend on skills.

To bring that into perspective, that’s enough to cast:
37 x Dragon Tooth
35x Serpentine
36x Gae Bolg
57x Dragon Soar
38x Dethrone
28x Dragon Fear
or 26x Dragon Fall

Even if you spam all Dragoon skills like a madman you will not run out of SP, and even with two other Classes and skills to spam, I seriously doubt that you will ever run out of SP.

And if that is the case, you can simply make the helm lightweight via attribute and reduce the SP consumption accordingly.

The only case in which Dragoon is is trouble now is if he stacks too many max SP increase items/effects, which drastically increases the number of SP drained per second.

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The helmet mechanics in general are just poor game design, both murm and goon. Just get rid of them and boost damage and SP cost accordingly.

As it stands, what goon player will decide to not wear the helmet at all times during combat? They would put it on during combat and take it off when out of combat, what a clunky mechanic.


Sounds exactly what a helmet is supposed to be like


Yeah while we are at it lets give helmets a 100% uptime blind debuff to simulate the lack of vision too



Is it sad that I’d rather have the blind debuff than the SP drain?


Sounds awesome actually, but also give it more def bonus

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Thats the way it should be
You get a bonus to your headbutt attack and defense but have to suffer accuracy penalties because you’re wearing a big bulky helmet

Sp drain is a lazy boring mechanic, why would wearing a helmet cause you to drain sp in the first place


I think it is really balanced now that dragoons depend on alchemists throwing SP potions to deal any damage at all
said no dragoon ever


*isn’t the SP potion (and other potions) 25 seg. CD now? I saw that in some of the recent patches.

(Bad) Ideas to fix Chronomancer:

  • Give Haste back to them (dunno why they gave it to Plague Doctor in the first place).

  • Give back all their attributes.

  • New skill: Age
    Creates a big time shifting magic circle that ages enemies who step on it, reducing their maximum HP.
    (5 * skill level)% - max at lvl 5
    (1 * skill level)% on bosses
    2 Overheats, 30s cooldown

  • Attribute: Rejuvenation
    Instead of decreasing maximum HP, it increases, but does not heal.

  • New class attribute: Time Save
    When you die, you and your party members will return 10 seconds back in time, recovering all your characters status at that moment.
    Cooldown: 24h
    (Could be disabled/reajusted for pvp and guild wars).

  • New skill: Time Break
    Breaks Time Continuum in an specific chosen zone, dealing damage over time.
    (0,5 * skill level)% of max HP per second - max lvl 5
    (0,01 * skill level)% on bosses
    Duration: 10 seconds
    2 overheats, 40 seconds cooldown

All these skills should have nice animations too, with clocks and stuff. :kissing:


If you want to make Chronomancer really badass and a powerhouse give it a skill that changes all DoT and magic circles to condense all the remaining damage in the next tick/hit while consuming the effect.

Tick rate 0.5s
Duration 10s
Damage Factor 200%
Total Damage Output 4000%

When used on at 6s it changes the next tick to deal 1600% damage.


Avoid theorycrafting here or someone may think this is real content


That’s my point, thanks . These clerics and wizz will never understand us

that’s just the balance change for the NPC potions, which went from 22,5 seconds CD to 25 seconds CD.
The change doesn’t affect all other potions with less[e.g. Alchemist pots] or more[e.g Keistas pots] CD time.

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oh I see, thanks for clarifying ^^

The logic for resource consumption demerit for using extra equipment is logic as long as this said resource is something like stamina.

I don’t need to explain, just play dark souls and you will understand it.

This is why I think that non-magic skills should always use stamina instead of SP or whatever resource magic uses as well. For example, inhumane skills like jump to the heavens and falling is justified, but a simple brandish or thrust isn’t.

But of course, stamina costs and system would need to be something like dark souls/wow/mobas for it to work.

The competency of IMC balance team. The image speaks for it self

Broadhead literally does triple the dmg than currently on live servers at 714% every second
Magic Arrow is 76% dmg every 0.5 seconds
Throw Gu Pot is 183% dmg every 0.5 seconds
Wugong Gu is 183% dmg every 0.5 seconds (same as live)

No it doesn’t please don’t elaborate…

I actually don’t understand why a single target DoT has the same SFR of an AoE skill. And TBH Broadhead SFR is way too high.

Wrong. Its 714% in the first hit, the every second hit is based on your atqk. If you have 10k ATq, then will deal 10k Damage every tick.

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