Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Aight you got me wrong there fellas, i mean that the changes are so big that it’s basically a different game now, it’s not like some balance changes or new raid. Having to manage 2 different games at once sounds terribly useless and cumbersome.

ref link please…


Due to removal or changes in skill mechanics, some costume effects had to be changed.

Cleric Special costume changed:
OLD: change the colour-effect of heal tiles
NEW: change the colour-effect of heal

Quarrel special costume:
OLD: running shot effect is changed
NEW: deploy Pavise visual is changed (the visual of the shield)

Swordsman special costume:
OLD: restrain effects changed
NEW: effects of the Bear skill changes


wait, they are removing restrain D:

I haven’t got a chance to test it yet :expressionless:

I not even know costumes could affect cleric skills

What “Bear skill” means?

That kinda confirms no heal tiles then I guess…:worried:

Must be a new skill. I read -bare- but the English name must be ‘Bear’ because it was mined some time ago by crevox

@malinhares special circle3 class costumes from shop affect class skills. Priest costume changes mass heal’s visual effects, monk changes double punch, diev changes carve animation and (current) cleric changes heal tile effects.

That probably means Heal won’t be able to deal any damage anymore.
Now let’s reflect on the other Base Classes, looking at which skills will remain and which will leave:

Pain Barrier
Double Slash
Pommel Beat

Twin Arrows
Oblique Shot
Swift Step
Full Draw
Kneeling Shot (probably going to either Cannoneer or Musketeer)
Heavy Shot

Magic Missile
Magic Shield
Energy Bolt
Quickcast(went to Chronomancer)

Guardian Saint
Safety Zone
Deprotected Zone
Divine Might (goes to ???)

Camouflage (?) [no indication here as the skill has no monster gem, but probably not deleted]
Scan (?) [no indication here as the skill has no monster gem, probably deleted]
Split Arrow (?) [no indication here as the skill has no monster gem, probably deleted]
Perspective Distortion
Flare Shot

Notice something here? The Classes have lost skills and/or gained new ones equivalent to having 5 skills in total now. This is the exact same pattern as we saw for the majority of hidden Classes, 5 skills a 5 levels each.

We already know that Swordsman receives Bear, and that Wizard keeps 5 skills.
So we can expect that Cleric, Scout and Archer will also have 5 skills each, with each of them receiving one new skill.

I believe I already know which skill will go to Cleric: Smite!

Smite fits completely into the duality of Cleric, it’s an uncomplicated skill and as a physical damage skill,it will be the alternative to Cure, which will now pose as the magic damage option.

It also makes sense that Paladin loses Smite if Cleric gains it, as all Paladins will still have access to Smite that way.

No idea what Archer could get, probably another buff or debuff, maybe Free Step or Oblique Fire (could be a buff that lets you hit multiple targets with single-target skills; this would be a huge help considering 0 AoE attack ratio and a lot of basic archery skills being single target only)

Edit: added Scout Class


During my multiversal searches aka attempts at sleep…

I thought… wiil Scout keep Cloak?? and it speed attribute??

cause Cloak speed + dash would be amazing and a throwback to old ro assassin speed :blush:

Cloaking is indirectly confirmed as it doesn’t change gems (so not moved to another Class) or has its monster gem removed like all other deleted skills.
No idea about the attributes, but the developers wanted to strengthen buffs with attributes, so I guess it’s either replaced with another attribute or stays that way.

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I feel like they should keep it as it is and let it stay on dash to keep the quick and in your face fantasy of the Class as what am noticing is that the Scout path is a “get in burst get out” type of build…

By the way, I just thought about another thing:
if Cleric gets Smite, at least 3 of 5 base Classes will have access to knockdown via an attack skill. Maybe we will see knockdown galore in PVP after the changes xD

They confirmed at least one dagger and one pistol skill for it, Scan is likely to stay in Archer tree to serve the triangle. Split arrow is also likely to be recycled.

I can see it…

Do we know where the Sprinkle Sand skill (one of new skills mined) went to?_?

Visible Talent, Knife Throwing[or Dagger Slash], Oblique Fire[or Wild Shot] sounds plausible on top of Cloaking and Camouflage.

Or maybe he gains Double Attack as a buff that allows to attack twice per button press [with a dagger or sword]when auto-attacking instead of only once[RO’s Thief passive skill effect will be copied here I guess].

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I cant wait for Knife throwing as I still play Diablo 2 and was thinking man there are no throw-able weapons here D:

So been able to throw knives even as a skill will make me happy xD

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Bob @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan
Is the auto scaling final on some classes because Plague Doctor is getting Dexterity and Strength while being a caster/healer hybrid. The scaling listed bellow would suit it much better

Plague Doctor STR DEX Con INT SPR
0 0 0.55 0.75 0.7

Its too early to say it would suit it or not…

We dont know which skills it will have… Maybe it will remain the same, but i highly doubt it…
This is valid for all of the classes, we dont know which skills they will end having…

After we know the skills, we can start arguing if it suits it or not…


There’s no need to guess!

In this piece of screenshot, we can see the names of 4 new skills:

  • Double Attack
  • Oblique Fire (pistol skill)
  • Dagger Slash (dagger skill)
  • Free Step

These four are most likely to go to Scout, so it probably means Cloaking would be the only existing skill that remains.