It’s either a flat bonus or crit cap +10% now that you mention it.
The relevant text is:
“최대 치명타 확률 제한은 착용한 방어구의 등급에 무관하게 적용되며 최대 50% 제한인 치명타 발생 확률이 +10% 증가하여 60%가 됩니다.”
which google translates as:
“Maximum Critical Probability Limit applies regardless of the type of armor worn, up to 50%, which is a 10% increase in the chance of a critical strike, up to 50%.” translated it as:
“The maximum limit is critical chance apply irrespective of class of wearing armor and is a 60% probability of the occurrence of critical limit is increased up to 50% + 10%.”
So… I’m not sure which it is…
Ask @greyhiem
EDIT: They can also be using the 50% as example, so aka if you have 50% crit it turns to 60%.
Otherwise you’d need a base 50% crit for leather to reach 60%. Since max crit cap itself is not crit rate.