Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

yep there will be more cler2>kriv3>druid2>tao2 builds xD

Monk atk speed test.with 800 dex

someone have 350 orange weapons recipe?

there is no 350 orange weapon recipe atm.

love how she spam a s and l ; at same time

Usually they modified one hotkey to perform 2 action

does not monster card album only drop 1 card?

did it get change?

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Drops cards as Canceril works. If someone from party rans, all party members get a card. You could get 25 people in 5 parties, and have 1 dps per party, and you would get 25 cards, the most productive way to get cards.


That’s what we’ve been doing in Silute.

Sadly we will never get this kind of attack speed here. Unless they change how the game processes attack inputs or you move to Korea for their sweet sweet internet speed.

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The truth has been spoken

Next maintenance scheduled for the 12.10.2017 (as expected,; we will know the contents on the 12th.
Might be interesting, maybe they will also release the infos on R9 Archer&Wizard with it.

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New R8 classes with R9 should be on the test server this week since KToS gets them on the 26th.

hype is high ;vvvvvvvvvvvvvv

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When koreans complain that they get big patch only monthly. :tired:

Anyways that pre-notice is for live servers and obviously won’t have anything for live servers yet. Hopefully ktest gets the big update this week however…


why do they show matador and zealot first and not all of them at once…?

its not like itos will get the patch anytime soon…

i hope they show what master circle does at the same time…then i can start making characters

Perhaps the two other classes needed a few more adjustments before making a teaser or the teaser itself was not ready by then.

But regardless…the wizard and archer teasers are nigh.

Waiting for another class reset voucher fever daily event. :angel:t6:


+1 :smiley: :cocktail:

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Don’t forget, they have to show the changes for druid as well. They didn’t tease it in the blog with krivis and oracle.


That very well could be released with a later patch tho.