Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

Don’t forget, they have to show the changes for druid as well. They didn’t tease it in the blog with krivis and oracle.


That very well could be released with a later patch tho.

Because that’s how they like doing it.
Last year, for R8, they announced all four of them separately every week. First week Wizard, second week Swordsman, third week Archer, fourth week Cleric (I’m not exactly sure of the order anymore, but I believe it was like that.)
It’s just mean :tired:

Should we actually expect one this time? Since they’re adding the last-rank-reroll feature, they might just think that’s enough.

i think they give at least 2 rank reset voucher. it is good idea to attract hibernated players to come back too.

it’s not enough for R6 C3 classes :sad:

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u forget about other classes circles… there was nothing about swordsman wizards and archers classes changes ;/

It’s not but that’s why we keep creating new toons. By rank resetting (once or ilimited times for, say, 3 days), we could test the sinergy between old and new classes very fast and find what we like in a blink. That kills MMO very fast if they don’t have any other appeal (ToS end game is lack luster, we all know it).

Since the new classes are going to be Rank 8, makes sense that they’ll let us reset the last rank we took (8) in order to pick the new classes if we want to, but it’s not enough to fix builds all over the game.

If something that big like the Cleric changes or New classes come into the game, it changes builds completely.
I think it’s only fair that during this period they’d let us reset our characters again
It wouldn’t kill them to create another reset event in the week the new classes come out and it would help a lot of players fix and test builds correctly in order do adapt to the new classes and changes.

They give 60 days timed Rank Reset vouchers on the 26th to people on KTOS who registered via the link below, so I believe we will probably recieve them, too. It’s just 1,though.

The easy run project event also includes a Rank-Reset voucher, but it is only for new-made characters.

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Last-rank-reroll doesn’t work for many of my characters
I have like 2 or 3 character with Wizard3 in the Last Rank and I don’t wanna change this, I wanna change his 7th rank. There is no way I would know that they will allow us to change only the last class so as long I finished the build they way I wanted it didn’t mattered which rank each class goes. They definitely should do another rank reset event.

whale event ends
some bug fixes (endless monster spawn at new high quest and other)
typos fixed

Wizard new class shadow mancer


Shadowmancer is really amazing… I knew this class was gonna be crazy… now the hard choice to make keep warlock 2>3 or change to shadowmancer2 D:

What does the enchanter circle 2 have now? looks like an area attack?

Shadowmancer looks awesome, even for the costume alone

for me the archer class name was like the most boring one and now i see his introduction and im so hyped to make one ,omg! <3

Bullet Marker = best DPS?



Musketcharge. I’m so hyped i can’t wait to play my Musketeer c3. Maybe i can transform into a Super Savior and be a big ass musket and can aim at this WB from town.

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Musketeer be like:




IMMA CHARGIN’ MY LAZ–… aaaaaaaaaand cut! Thanks, nice take. WTF

Bullet Marker is totally a Gunslinger ripoff from RO!