Attok boxes from uphill and gimmick.
where i can find kranto bracelets?
I dont remember which exact one, but i got them from dungeon cubes before dungeon rework. Dont know which one it drops from.
No point on lvl up a guild anymore.
Just give you free slots and pinea pig/plants.
Drop from Legwyn dungeon 230. I added the droplist for dungeons at the end of this post:

Summong random Fieldboss or Worldboss.
Fieldboss: 10 minute duration
Worldboss: 120 minute duration
Need 1 of each colour album + recipe to craft it.
Guide for Анастасия Gimmick
Does this imply, in case it summoned a WB it will drop a guaranteed card too?
It should, because all card album bosses drop their card at 100% rate. Keep it in mind for card price (such as marnox card).
- Basic Rewards
- Guild Quest Reward: Boss Raid
- Guild Quest Reward: Mission
I’m guessing each raid/mission will have its own basic rewards while additional rewards could be any of those listed in the patch notes for any guild quest? Will we still be able to get Mystical Cube recipes and Practonium from certain guild quests?
Bless you
Another interesting note that didn’t seem to be in the patch notes is that the amount of Guild EXP required to get to level 20 has been cut by more than 50%.
Up to guild level 15 is the same, but after that there is a massive slash in the required exp to level. That combined with guild EXP coming from guild events makes those upper levels seem a lot more feasible.
Does anyone know if you get more than one box for running the guild events? I feel like it would be pretty disappointing to do a level 15 guild event and get one guild exp coin lol.
Video of Saviour Bong
might not be related to ktos, but some gm stuff from playdate from captcha:
Penguin hat
Penguin hat is not new right? Or it is new for itos?
Thanks for sharing your gm playdate conversation.
is that real? new reward list?
Lmao, this is just Heathran Badge accessories all over again. 2,000 hours of farming for an accessory that’s still inferior to the same BIS accessories that have existed since beta.
More nerfs to guild investment requirements, can this please finally lead up to a real rework for Templar?
where you get that information?
this is oficial? i cant find any of this informations about guild