Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

in Itos you get the duration of level 7 but the damage of level 5.
No idea in Jtos

You’re not the only one. But I’m already too tired to scream about it.

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Is there any video or screen of kr players getting or using that new “Socket Item”?
I didnt found any yet.
Not even masters like Bong show it. :prince:


the best mount eeeever

That mount is going to be availabe from the Adventure Journal reward thingy right?
If i buy companion vouchers now, when the update come will i be able to exchange them for the Armadillo?

No, the updated reward from journal will be a different voucher. They also edited the pig companion voucher to reflect Baby Pig on the item name.

Pig -
Armadillo -

New TS patch. 6 new bracelets.

(image not mine)


The bracelets seems weak…
They should add golden bracelet/necklace with random stats too.

The second ring of the first row looks promising. 40 MATK and 123 MAMP

SPR+SP bracelet my dream bracelet

Where/how are these new bracelets obtained :thinking:

Some interesting stuff in that update. Looking forward to the proper translation of that, if it comes.

Looks like despite the guild changes are back. I wonder if those new bracelets will come from Guild rewards? Also looking forward to figuring out exactly how those Black Card Albums work.

Also they’ve changed the number of targets a pet can aggro? I wonder if that affects Sorc summons. If so, that’s going to be a huge nerf…though I can’t really say an unwarranted one.

Adding a new cube for Challenge Modes below level 300 sounds interesting. I suspect it will be entirely filled with garbage, but if we’re lucky there might be something worth gunning for there.

Phydecium and Terranium now drop in Hunting Grounds…

The update doesn’t seem so impressive, though the new matk/mamp bracelet seems quite good in combination with Animus and some more CON.

However, the developers should stop adding more atkequipment. Better bring some content that requires survival so that Evasion/Block/CON equipment is actually needed in the game…


First bracelet gives 23 Physical attack and 1 AAR, lastone gives 11 Int and 8 Spr. Google doesn’t wants to translate 3 and 5…

Alright, scraped this info up from tos.neet. All the names are just google translated garbage, so expect them to change once they hit iToS.

And since you are probably wondering:

No news in the database about where the recipes for the bracelets or the Feldrum/Ulsterite come from. As a side note I guess, the 270 bracelets are Orange grade while the 315 are Purple grade. Still laughing about the one bracelet requiring an Archmage Bangle to make though.

Also, for the new guild rewards, we have a little bit more info. There are now coins you can get (Bronze, Silver, and Gold). These add Guild Experience (100, 200, and 400, respectively). In addition there are three boxes, Head Accessories, Mission Rewards (which provide mainly seeds) and Boss Raid rewards (which provide mainly minerals).


Thanks a lot for translation. I want Akiba bracelets right naow! :prince:

Thanks for the translation! :slight_smile:

Is it just me or the stats on those look a little…“meh”… :confused:

(LVL315) Mirthi Bracelet
-AoE Attack Ratio +1
-PATK +23

(LVL 220) Phada
-AoE Attack Ratio +1
-PATK +30
-Evasion| -47
-Crit ATK +114

(LVL 315) Akiba Bracelet
-Dex +7
-Hit +35
-Crit Rate +28

(LVL170) Sissel Bracelet
-PATK +21
-Accuracy -20
-Crit Rate +37

I mean, they’re not THAT bad, still, not what I expected given the difference in levels… :confused:


Good luck farming 1000 mithril ores for each bracelet.




1000 mithril for 28 critical rate?

I think I’m going to keep my sissels, thx.


I guess ill stick to kranto bracelets, 1k freaking mithrils and 200 terranium