Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

What the hell IMC?! That’s totaly nonsense! It should be Cleric class.

They should rename Swordsman to Warrior, or since it’s IMC, “Fighter” just like in Granado Espada. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well after this i guess anything is possible
I’ll wait for axes, double-swords, orbs/books as subweapons for wizards and boomerangs for archers

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Hello friends,

As you’re already aware, the kTEST server has been updated again. Here’s a link for the changes that have come around this patch, for those interested in the changes this cycle. Have a nice weekend. :slight_smile:

P.S the Nak Muay class looks very cool!

[ kTEST 22/12/2017 ]


Thanks for the translation!

Black Card Album, huh? Looks like something that will be able to summon Demon Lords?

I’m curious if so if they will give only cards, or only cubes, or both? I suspect cards only, which is good in a way…and not so good in a way.

Anyways, the guild ticket system rework is something that I am very happy for. I’m keeping my hopes in check that the Guild Quest rewards will be worth it, but hopefully they have done something that smaller guilds can also benefit from.

It may be so, it mentions on its item descrition that the summoned contents of the Black Card Albums is ~120 minutes as opposed to what the lower timers are on the regular card albums are. As for the contents of rewards, i’m not entirely sure.

Hopefully so, I have seen that the guild system at the moment is a bit all over the place - so it is nice to see it receiving some changes and attention again.

Bonus: 낙무아이 스킬 Desc.
Class Name: Nak Muay

TN: I don't understand  Thai, so i don't know how these skill titles will be localized to english meanings i.e 'Elbow Strike' ,  if they were to be adapted further outside of the borrowing of the terms. Maybe someone on iTOS can speak it? :P 

Ram Muay
Change into the Ram Muay stance in preparation to actively attack an enemy.
Changes the default Basic Attacks and enables the use of Nak Muay Skills.

Te Kha
[Physical] -[Strike] [Attack Speed]
Strike the lower half of an enemy using your legs. Struck targets have a chance of having their movement speed reduced. Chance of slowing varies depending on the difference between the caster's STR and the target's CON.This skill is only available while in the Ram Muay Stance.

Sok Chiang
[Physical] - [Slash] [ Attack Speed]
Strike an enemy  at an angle using your elbow.Struck targets have a chance to be afflicted with Bleeding . Chance of bleed varies depending on the difference between the caster's STR and the target's CON. This skill is only available while in the Ram Muay Stance.

Te Trong
[Physical] - [Strike] [ Attack Speed]
Kick an enemy down using a raised leg. The enemy becomes unbalanced and is turned around whilst being Knocked Down. This skill is only available while in the Ram Muay Stance.

Khao Loi
[Physical] - [Strike]
Fly into enemies, striking them with your knee. If the target is an airborne/flying-type enemy, additional damage will be dealt to it. This skill is only available while in the Ram Muay Stance.


Swordies need it the most as they have complicated weapon restrictions without auto switch and it is actually preety cool that you can just break into that stance to use the skills. Monks need some love though tbh.

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Monks will get Lama in an unknown future, although they don’t seem to be the fighter type, it’s more like a holy monk type.



Why the hell in the Swordman tree ? Even in Archer tree it makes more sense :tired:.

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My hackapell can’t wait



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Special Quests:
The Shadowmancer’s Special Quest has been improved.

  • Chaser Cubes will now disappear after a certain period of time has elapsed.
  • When Chaser Cubes are generated, they will now begin to move after stopping for a duration of time.
    (Touching Idle Chaser Cubes will not reduce your score, and the Chaser Cubes will not be destroyed either.)

Yay, this quest is less cancerous now.

(Already got my 3rd tier by stacking MS (49 MS) and Zoomy though .- . )

But why…why they havent fixed the matador’s cancerous RNGFEST special quest?

Posted this at the rank9 videos thread.

Street Fighter in TOS


Here’s also the portrait of the Master. :slight_smile:



muay thai vs monk

muay thai looks like a full on street fighter class with combos, air jumps and everything and fast smooth skills while monk is just double punch spam, i call for monk rehaul xD

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Nak Muay + Murmillo… Cocona, is that you?

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Well, if Nak Muay class had been cleric as well, it’d likely not be full of attack skills like it is. It’d have to have some sort of spiritual feeling to it and its skills (like monk, with the coin offering, the ki blast and all protective shit).

And that’s precisely why I like it being a swordsman’s class, it’s not unusual in this tree to have full ranks of attack skills and little to nothing else. SO yeha, full street fighter mode’s on!

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Told all y’all it wasn’t guaranteed to be cleric. That’s what happens when you try to interpret IMC’s actions with logic.