Can get all green stat rolls on weapon, a 2h weapon could probably get all-stats:
Str, spr, dex, int. If INT would be swapped for CON, it would be perfect.
Can get all green stat rolls on weapon, a 2h weapon could probably get all-stats:
Str, spr, dex, int. If INT would be swapped for CON, it would be perfect.
Some questions about the R9 patch:
About the reset event when the R9 arrived: it was like the last time, when we had one reset per character a day? Or it was one reset per character per team?
And how are the class leveling on Rank 9? I was planning to get some levels on the “new” 300 dungeon, but most of my char are already around 320+
Dungeon exp are bad after the patch or am i wrong?
very bad to the point you can go back to grinding maps
rip if you have 10+ toons
It was bugged for a few days but fixed.
1 char a day.
for leveling you should doing new quest line exploring new map and farming item/silver at new map especially new material for new practonium equipment
see [Info] New lvl 350 Mashinos Materials Location & Recipe
No need to spread misinformation. It was bugged on the test server and fixed shortly after.
Question for doppel peeps or anyone who knows.
It’s both a fix and a nerf. The skill description clearly says : “Deeply pierce a collapsed enemy”, and the earthquake attribute (C3) spreads that single damage to nearby monsters. That’s how it should work. In reality, the amount of mobs knocked down equalize the number of hits(max 10) you deal to a single mob, earthquake spreads that amount of hits to nearby monsters, capped at 10 as well.
Although it was a bug, the skill was highly dependent on AoEar to make a substantial difference specifically on ET. Once the patch kicks in, Punish will join Mordschlag on the oblivion due to limiting those hits to 2 instead of 10.
Thanks and RIP Punish. You were one of those memorable skill.
So we can assume that 60 is the current cap for base stats on one-handed weapons it seems.
Good to know,though. If one day the stat increase function is added, I guess everyone will run around with 4 stats +60 weaponry,which seems better than having some 1-2 stats at around 100-120, given the new possibility of using autoattacks as fillers (infinite Blessing and strenghened Sacrament, coupled with new autoattack boosts[Lightning Hands,Daino]).
Soooo… i will start planning from todas which char will take the resets
Thanks for the info! !
Yp, you need to plan out for reset well in advance now. If you have multiple characters for reset then its quite tough. Max number of chars you can reset using event reset voucher is 14 (assuming it lasts for 14 days). Also need to keep an eye on all balancing done recently. I already changed on my char plan for some chars multiple times by now lol. Quite a pain tbh.
I don’t know why IMC changed the rank reset event mechanic, I thought the purpose of the event was to test new builds and the changes in the skills/classes. This is so multicharacter unfriendly. I have 25 characters and even if I do not need to reset all of them I can’t test builds on my main character because of that limit, doesn’t make sense for me. They incentivate us to creat more characters but keep doing that sort of thing.
We should get together to make IMC release the old event with 1 per character per day when Rank 9 arrive here, not that 14 days 1 per account per day thing
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Falconers on suicide watch
So, IMC hyped up every archer for falc3 and killed it so fast.
I mean why the fck anyone spend 25.5m silver for +3 aoe ar…
Look at sorc. it does that cheaper and better way with no downtime.
The original purpose of the rank reset event was to test builds, but this rank reset is more being done as a week long courtesy to players for the start of rank 9.
It is possible there will be another rank reset event in the future but for now i will take what i can get.
If you have 25 characters and over 7 of them are built poorly, that sounds like a personal problem.
If they really want to avoid us one hitting everything, they should remove transcendance instead of toying with my heart
My current builds are fine, only 1 or 2 character didn’t ended well. But they are changing a lot of things that make us change our mind when choosing some class, like picking Krivis for Daino (now its not needed anymore), finishing Pardoner build without Pardoner C3 (now it will be needed), also a lot of problems with getting C1 something in rank 8 now that the new classes are also rank 8, thats why this limited event isn’t enough.