Thanks, sorry - I tend to write out a lot of names and then move stuff around alot.
Edit: Here is some archer/wiz changes added today too. 
[Archer Changes 30/11/2017]
Quarrel Shooter:
-Running Shot:
- The additional damage effect is changed from being multiplicative to additive.
- Base 80%, Increasing at +30% per level
- Buff can be removed via right-click
- Duration of this buff has been increased to 300 Seconds.
- Roost:
- When in range of roost, the Falconer's skill damage will be increased by 50%.
- The duration of Roost has been reduced to 20 Seconds. (From 120)
- Cooldown has been reduced to 20 Seconds.
- Circling:
- Now reduces enemies AOE defense ratio to 1, regardless of skill level.
- Hawks will become more mobile and continue to be effective whilst following its master, even whilst using circling.
- The duration of this skill has changed:
Old: 10 Seconds
New: 10 + (Skill Lv. x 1)Seconds
- When targeting monsters affected by circling, a message will pop-up.( Target's AOE Defense Ratio is reduced to 1.)
- Hovering:
- Deals 50% more damage to Animal-type enemies.
- Hovering: Defensive Maneuver Attribute
※ A new attribute has been added.
- Hovering will deal an additional 10% extra damage per attribute level to Boss-type monsters.
- Increases SP Consumption by 50%
- Attribute Max Level = Lv. 10
- Pheasant
- Deals 50% more danage to Animal-type enemies.
- Now only hits up to 15 targets. (Previously unlimited targets)
- The skill's damage factor has been changed .
Current: 660% + 36.3% per level
New: 990% + 54.5% per level
- Cooldown has been reduced to 25 Seconds.
- Sonic Strike:
- Deals 50% more danage to Animal-type enemies.
- Pre-Emptive Strike: Quick Attack Attribute:
- This skill can now be turned ON/OFF at any time. (Just like Kneeling Shot / Bazooka Stances)
- Now increases damage done with Sonic Strike & Hovering when they are triggered by Pre-emptive Strike.
- Increased Damage: [Skill Lv x 10%]
- Occasionally drains SP whilst Pre-Emptive Strike buff is active.
- If your SP is too low, the buff will be removed.
- The duration of the buff is now unlimited.
- The cooldown has been reduced to 0.
- Pre-Emptive Strike: Swift Resolve Attribute:
※ A new attribute has been added.
- Whilst pre-emptive strike is active and attacking a monster at 100% HP, it now has a 10% chance per attribute level of dealing critical damage to the target struck.
- Increases pre-Emptive Strike's SP Drain effect by +5
- Attribute Level Max = Lv.10
- Hawk Mastery:
※ A new attribute has been added.
- Requires Falconer C3, Roost Lv1, Call Lv1 or higher.
- After using Falconer type skills, the falcon will go into the standby state instead of flying away from the owner.
- Attribute Max Lv. = 1
- Circling: Expand
※ Attribute's initial effect has been removed, and replaced with a new effect.
- New Effect: When casting [Circling], you now gain a [Circling:Expanding] buff which gives the caster +3 AOE Attack Ratio
- Duration: (10 + Attribute Lv x 1) Seconds
[Wizard Changes]
- Hangman's Knot: Splash Defense
※ The name of this attribute has been changed, and the functions have also been changed.
※※※ Renamed >> Hangman's Knot: Focused Attack
- The AoE defense ratio decrease effect has been removed from this attribute.
- When Hangman's Knot is used, the target's AoE Defense ratio becomes fixed to a value of 1, and applies a debuff lasting 3 seconds that increases damage taken by 5% per attribute level.
- Grimoire monster skills have been improved.
- Some effects have been added when riding a summoned boss monster.
- Ngadhundi:
- AoE Attack ratio has been changed to a value of 3.
- Kundela Slash:
- AoE Attack ratio has been changed to a value of 3.