Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

If i recall correctly, there is no more silver in the saalus runs =(

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They nerfed dg silver, saalus silver, they want us to farm silver in the fields but they forgot to nerf the SRโ€ฆ The options for most players to make silver are diminishing while bots and toxic players get richer everyday.
I hope they make new maps/gimmicks that allows players to farm silver with more build variety.


i heard that we will get silver from last boss only but dunno how much

there is no silver on saalus anymore but we get 3 shards

Sorry for changing the subject but, with the new cards coming soon, Iโ€™ve been wondering the difference between 1,2 and 3 attack speed cards. Would anyone have a video showing it?

Is there any aoe ratio cap?

This dude is like โ€œCircling? Is that some kind of massage? Never heard of it!โ€

3 centaur = 6 aoe ratio

yeah tfw stat rework was made to stop players from stacking one stat. that worked out well.

saalus about 10~14k and 3 shards/ 3 cube from last boss


Canyon and Mausoleum gives 10~14k too? Because here in itos they give like 100k or more.

Of this in the itos because each boss drops a value of silver, will not be more so, only the last boss drops

But i thought the last boss would drop at least the amount of 3 itos bosses, but it seems they only multiplied the cubes :frowning:


It makes sense it gives such money, Royals/Canyons give around the same amount each run but split between each Boss, we actually lose some raw silvers having 1 run only per character, but we gain 1 more Blessed Shard and save much more time, so itโ€™s a win in the end.
Unless that amount is bugged somehow and not intended (I hope not) so far the new Saalus Update looks nice. :slight_smile:

you have no VIP token

Basic reward 2shards/2cube

VIP token = 3shards/3cube

Of-course and i know that.

But as everyone can see, i got 123.620 silver. Not " 10~14k "

Did you mean โ€œ100.000~140.000โ€?
That is 100k~140k in English and a big difference


sorry ~ thatโ€™s what I mean~

I got the wrong words XDDD

Are there any min-max for the enchantable stats already?

Boss card album drop list

Each map has it own card album type it will only drop that type.