Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

i wonder if they have all of the other master (long) story. wanna read all of it if they are exist.

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You said classes not rank ant ur comment.

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example: C2>Priest3>Chaplain>PD2
PD3 at R9, the first cicle is done.
At R10 u can get Zealot or rank up with the new master quests… something like Cleric 4, Priest4 (don’t know as well how it will works, and i’m not sure, i have to re-read the dev-blog)

something like that, mean your character rank will keep continue up , you still can choose class but whatever you choose maximum class rank only8(max skill factor). Need more power then weapon,armor and stat is a key.

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As of now, yes. Our R8 will consist of 3 new classes instead of 2: Inquisitor, Taoist and Zealot for Cleric, Murmillo, Lancer and Matador for Swordsman, Bullet Market, Hackapell and Mergen for Archer, Shadowmancer, Enchanter and Sage for Wizard.
But in the future, when they’ll add new classes (Macumbeiro, Shepherd, Lama, Fortune Teller, Puppeteer, Pied Piper, and so on) and they’ll all be available at R8.
Since clerics are the classes we seem to know the most about I’ll take in as an example. Eventually, at R8 a Cleric will have the choices between these new classes: Inquisitor, Taoist, Macumbeiro, Shepherd, Zealot, Lama, Fortune Teller.

"You’re repeating what I said…

I want to see if there will be no new classes to rank 9"
Yet you seem to think that we will have new classes at rank 9 eventually. Like circle 1 of a new class. That’s not the case. We won’t.

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Oh, I see, thank you!

the reason they said 9, 10, 11 is because technically Zealot and Matador are Rank 9 classes (the new ones) even though they will be available for anyone once they reach Rank 8.

probably this?

We should put a stop on this, the more we talk on rank, the more confusing.
The most important thing is that we need to differentiate Character Rank and Class Rank.

Character Rank:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and coming will be 9, there will also coming Rank10, Rank11 and so on in future level expansion content, for each rank you are able to slot an available class that fit at least same with class rank.

Class Rank:
Rank1: Cleric C1
Rank2: Cleric C2, Krivis C1, Priest C1
Rank3: Cleric C3, Krivis C2, Priest C2, Dievdirbys C1, Bokor C1

Rank8: Oracle C3, Druid C3, Kabalist C2, Plague Doctor C2, Inquisitor C1, Taoist C1, *Zealot C1
Rank9: Kabalist C3, Plague Doctor C3, Inquisitor C2, Taoist C2, *Zealot C2

So the conclusion, The coming update will extend Character Rank from 8 to 9,
at the same time they also will release new class for each tree at Class Rank 8, which also will able to advance to Circle 2 at Character Rank 9


Zealot seems interesting, it’s maybe about auras. We see him casting a skill that turns his body into fire, dealing damages to himself, and just after he casts a lighting skill and he’s surounded with lightning. But I don’t get what’s doing the fire aura, maybe increasing fire property attack ?

Both videos are certainly the worst previews I ever seen in my life :no_mouth:.

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IMC made it f@"ng confusing.
But I understand.

It’s easier to comprehent if you rename class rank into class/job tier (T). Character rank will stay as R. In conclusion: you can advance your build further by adding class circles at R9, R10, R11, … but your build potential will stay at/ flactuate around the cap of T8.
But untill T8 both terms has almost the same meaning: R/T1; R/T2; …; R/T8; R9/T8; R10/T8; …

Or you can just go for the explaination that all new class will be added to the selection of R8 and won’t/barely surpass R8 damage.

Tfw you wake up and you see that ktos thread blew up 50+ posts in 1 night

Dragoon3 could wind up being nice if the hat is good and the new skill is multihit, maybe. They instantly kill the enemies with the new attack… so if it’s a true-multihit, you wouldn’t know how many hits it does yet. Dragoon skills notably have several hits, so maybe^tm

Zealot has a buff that… damages them? Was half expecting a berzerker class-type some day, but not a magic(?) cleric zerk…

Hi guys, did you see new weapon or it’s just solmiki two handed spear in dragoon 3 video?

probably just a solmiki spear with trans and anvil enhancement

it a solmiki 2h spear

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New rank is not that confused

this image already told it all

1-7 was same and no new Class at R9

so when player become Rank9 they can go R8-C2 or R7-C3 vice versa.

For other new class ,they all become R8 and they have C1 and C2 (like in promotion Videos).

that also mean when player Rank10 all R8 will become C3 and who already go R7-C3 have to choice other classes.

In the video, he ■■■■■■■ 2 shots Gray Goelm lvl 360 with 2 god smashes. I bet it’s Trans 10 + 50.

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If you put it in slow motion you can see the damage at :31 seconds, It’s just 201031 damage. Anyway there is a skill it uses at :30 that makes zealot teleport behind the boss, right?