Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

NP, i am using a +8 kupole test 2h sword. Unfortunately i can’t test because my ping is too high so i can’t really tell the difference :frowning:

oh right, I remembered you tested monk last time. No worries, the community really appreciate your contributions especially testing our request. May the goddess bless you!

Because if I recall correctly Aspergillium doesn’t count as an “additional hit”, but rather an auto-casted Aspersion. This is also the reason why Aspersion enhance attribute counts towards Aspergillium damage.

What are you basing this on? The fact that the chap in the video is wrecking everything? Well he has 4k Physical damage and 3.7k Magic damage, he should be :poop: on everything…

No, Blessing account for the 2nd lowest damage he does. Sacrament being the lowest. He has 4k physical damage and 3.7k magic damage. Any skill he uses is gonna hurt, even his basic attacks.[quote=“eralp96, post:7090, topic:321901”]
I personally think blessing is fine since it only applies once each auto and multi hit skills are nerfed to the ground.


This is trancendence in Blessing form lol.

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Remember when people grabbed Linker or Wizard C3 Quick cast to “futureproof” their builds?

I am still laughing.
Just my annual PSA that if you’re not grabbing things because you like them you will get fuk’d regardless.


It indeed is/was future proof and ends with being removed and free complete reset. I don’t see the problem here. Paid off for anyone who picked it for efficiency.

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Why must things be a problem instead of just being?
Qualities of these builds have diminished in value the build itself was no less suspectible to change than any other. That is the objective reality :stuck_out_tongue:

I grabbed sadhu because i liked it and im still getting ■■■■■■ :stuck_out_tongue: What did i do to deserve this lol.


Sadhu is meant for those who like the struggle.
It’s like Dark Souls.


Expecting IMC not to take a ■■■■ on Corsair builds every chance they get, hahahahaha.


What exactly do you think they can do about this, though? Just remove class ranks completely, make every class equally strong, let you go straight Cleric -> Inquisitor?

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Too drastic and goes against progression. They need to look at mostly many of the mid range choices and bump them into earlier circle choices. Most of the classes which are under performing fall into that range which just become almost obsolete later and serve no real purpose. Think of all the classes that start becoming available at circle rank 4-6 that are like “meh” compared to either staying pure in the base class or the first couple classes given immediately. A lot of those should more than likely be bumped down a circle or two if they have no intention on ever making them competitive to other choices always facing a class identity crisis to exist.

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So, you want that IMC swap specific cls. with other classes?

Not really swap them but make the mid range circle 4-6 choices available to choose as a class earlier if they are known under performing classes that simply can not be balanced to compete with other choices. I don’t know how to explain any way other than that. When you’ve got a completely blank slate here to adjust skill values there becomes a lot of flexibility to do this without an issue. It’s just not smart to leave certain known classes that could benefit from being moved down a circle until later after a million people complain it’s not good or powerful after you did all the balancing.

After ktest patch, going archer2 will not be mandatory anymore right? Since swift step no longer gives +25% crit rate.

IMC had a means of helping underperforming combinations with their “Hidden” mechanics among other tools.

If they can rework fireball I’m certain they can rework other skills that need it as well. Hopefully they’ll do it.

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but give 100 crit rate …

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Fireball rework was a simple thing: reduced number of hits per cast, but increased skill factor and area of impact (both trigger distance to fireball and how far explosion reaches mobs).

Doing a similar “rework” to many other skills would indeed help a lot already (in Sadhu’s case for instance, possession getting bigger area and higher skill factor in my opinion), though some have deeper core mechanics which would need to be addressed first (Sadhu’s OOB attack speed and interaction with other skills, as well as Shinobis’ delays, durations and cast time for instance).