Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

XD Yeah it happens all the time. I just don’t like seeing people picked on.

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@s1lv3rw0lf Though it was a disappointment that it was fake, thanks for the effort nonetheless.
Was looking forward to the class reworks, at the very least.

There needs to be more kindness in this day and age, with stuff going on these days.

Cheers ~

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Yea but everyone in this community is tilted from IMC’s abuse.

Finally rank9 info! Then I read that stone skin was getting buffed into exactly what monks need. I spent my class reset on removing priest 3 in place of cleric 2. I was pissed. Now it seems it was all lies and no changes are coming. Typical iToS rollercoster.


Well I guess that was too good to be true… Back to waiting these things never happen. :confused:

Can someone translate? Please and thank you.

Was about to rage quit and leave the game permanently when I see pyro changes. They fucked my sadhu, the fucked my corsair thet fucked my squire and they plan to fuck pyro too soon enough. Well they can retain me as a player as long as they dont do that.

A big fuck you to IMC if they plan to fuck up pyro while fencer, doppel, dragoon, inquisitor, pd remains so broken.

Not to count the fucked up mechanics that almost all pyro skills can easily be deleted by skills and hit by melee.

Well at least ill be playing full time real life online soon and download razor1911 or skidrow cracked games. No more mmo for me. 2000s is the golden age of mmo which is now long gone. I’m waking up from this dream now. kakaka

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Rain, stormcalling, autoattack in melee, detonate (sapper), combustion (alchemist).
People cry about pyro before the biggest broken thing to come => krivis3 + druid 3 + taoist + lighting version agny xD

Meanwhile Archers still stuck in the corner gathering dust.


Shush you gather dust quietly unless we ask you to farm for something :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t get why people flame everytime they know something is gonna be reworked. Most of the time people think it will be a bad rework, then when the class/character is reworked people getting mad first day because the class/character is too OP…

You know, there were people claiming Zaibas was bad late game which was false even before Taoist. And now with Taoist…

Is gimmicky and mediocre. But acceptable enough to use.

Are you living in 2015 ? Just wondering cuz you’re the only one to say that here now.

Actually majority of the problems are fixed. Just that some how it resurface ultimately non stop at ITOS and not hotfixing it when it can be done within minutes.

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Only if it comes. Like the gacha prac box i was hoping for din;t come at all :head_bandage:


All this updates coming to KToS/JToS/IdToS… meanwhile IToS…

Well, IMC cucked me on the underwhelming Corsair changes, but if they’re going to rework Rogue and Hacka then maybe my Hackarogue can become my new main and I can give a ■■■■ about high level content again. They’ll probably ■■■■ that up too, though.

The reworks will prolly be cannoner tier level. @_@, but don’t expect too much lol.

Came back to find out 3/3 is Fake News, I’m Sad.

I’m glad honestly, rank 8 forced me to get off my archers and level Clerics, havent looked back since.