Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Did a little google translate, the exact translation we’ll have to wait Gwen :D.
These all are attributes:
Punji Stake(requires sapper2):

  • Lowers wood consumption from 3 to 2
  • Cannot be canceled when hit by enemy
    Broom Trap(requires sapper3):
  • increase damage to(or by) 150% and the cost to 4 ashe wood
    Claymore(requires sapper2)/base damage was changed also:
  • increase damage to(or by) 250% and the cost to 2 Claymores
    Spike Shooter(requires sapper3):
  • increase damage to 200% and the cost to 3 wires

Thaumas left hand now has 15% int scaling and more base, Right hand has 13% int scaling and more base as well

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Oh… the irony and sarcasm reeks
Lets praise IMC more! P2W ftw!!


The smell of Nexon is just all over the air.

That’s exactly how Nexon does things on other games,even on NA servers(any VIndictus/Mabinogi Heroes player there?).

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Some one say… Dragon Nest? Skins with stats?

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ugh they should have kept broomtraps attributes to rank 2. Capture+ broomtrap is still kinda stronger. not sure if i should c3 or not

Funny of you to say that, Dragon Nest NA just changed publishers.

I am actually somewhat optimistic we will never get this. This absolutely reeks of Nexon. It’s the kind of gambling pay to win box they end up forcing into all of their games as a cash grab when the player base starts to diminish.

So anyone can confirm thats bless shard is tradable now?

Is its marketable or only tradable in team

Dam if its can list in market what will the price be

Really curious

Some of those Sapper 2’s because “Sapper 3 sucks” on suicide watch. :heart_eyes:

shouldn’t be over 300k anyway

I’m estimating 150k-200k

Kinda hard to say ( since you need huge constant supply and it is still restricted via days) it might end up going a little higher than that and stay there.

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Capture’s cooldown is 3 minutes after using, so Sap2-rogue is burstier but i think sapper 3 (considering only broom trap) will have more sustained damage.

I’m guilty to be one of those sap2 :confused: at least I have sneak for cannon skills

Claymore should be dealing some nasty damage to flying units with an 2h-bow D:

reroll cost is 300k, anything higher and I’ll just reroll lol

I never had Doubt in C3’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

Im contemplating a C2 investment on something right now and I think I’m going to stop because unless there is a hidden mechanic (and I’ve already been bit in the ass enough taking weird combinations to look for some)…it wont be worth it.

Some people are desperate so yea :stuck_out_tongue:.

Won’t be surprise if it goes up to 350k (tax inclusive)

Single liner might cap out to 200k per claymore hmmmmmmmmmmm

Hahaha, no.

Look up the Lyndon Boxes threads from Granado Espada. You will lose all your optimism in one fell swoop.


Templar buffs when? I want to be able to use Mortal Slash with a Rapier, and the base damage needs to be much higher, and cooldown lower. Battle Orders has ridiculous scaling, too.

Needs more love. I am pretty much just levelling a deadweight over here.

Hello Saviors,

The 27/10/2016 Patch Notes are available to read through.