Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

They scale up automatically.

oh nice then, thanks! :smile:

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Question on Miko. The dance that extends magic circles, does it work on diev statues or do they not count as magic circles?

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actually maybe run with low lv make drop more often
my main run with group today and ques what ? zonk

with the boost to red gems, looks like it be worth it to use those instead of green for crit rate now

what are ‘amulet slots’ and how do they work?

it was scrapped from the game

Any info on the current number one boss killer in ktos? I heard that dragoonc2 and fencer3 skills got nerfed already so I was wondering what’s the new world boss hunt meta rignt now. Is fletcher-mergen gonna still rule on wb?

Need to know. Any chance fletcher-hacka will be better? I keep hearing that…

Fencer is still the king of WB. There is no change.

DPM ranking dependent. All rounder being fencer #1.
If dragoon exist dopple will get #2 if present.

Assuming all of them are decently gear.

If muskeeter are around SR will rose above muskeeter on optimal setup.

Else fletecher mergen woulda be considered as 3th or 4th in place.

Basically TL;DR Swordsman > archer > cleric> wizards

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Fletchers/mergens vs flying bosses :smile:

Does patk and catk chg? And will old stat remain or it increase automically ?

Does it hurt to scroll up just a little bit to find your answer? It hasn’t even been 1 day since someone asked and got an answer.

this paper recipe buy in market? (ops i see now in one post, say drops in dg290 in ktos)

Paper cube recipes are tradable yeah, and so are 315 orange recipes.

@arkgolf where do you get that gem abrasive? I gives a LOT of exp :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

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i read all jus wan to comfirm

This is more than likely the level 9 or 10 Gem Abrasive that came bundled in one of the KR cash shop bundles. No other means to get it otherwise.