Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Can anyone post a clarified walkthrough to obtain the new lv 315 orange weapon recipes in ITOS please, the previous replies are a bit vague. It looks like I need to do full runs of the 290 dungeon for a white recipe from normal mobs, is this a paper cube recipe?
Do I then need something from the lv 315 dungeon, mobs or boss cube etc etc, sorry to be a bother. I am very close atm to having my practonium and 25 of each material so I don’t want to waste them on a purple weapon. I am after the Astra Bow, need to know where to focus my efforts, thank you.

Tradable yes.

Thats at least 6k free hp for you to strip off con stats. I would rephase it to the state here THATS extremely effective for MAX Min then. Since it give 99 free pd/magic attack * 3

Yum, lucky me I have a Wiz 3 ready for advancement. :nail_care:

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The white recipe I have posted above and paper cube recipe is the same drop from normal monster in 290 dungeon currently not available in itos you have to wait for next update.

Here a paper cube recipe it will randomly give 1 orange 315 recipe
this one require 5 purple 290 2h sword and 2 new purple ore (Athillonium?)
change item id url 7150001~7150014 for other recipe.

Also a material for 315 on neet is not updated
use kr.neet instead (search what you want on neet copy item id url then paste it to kr.neet url)
if you want this item
copy items/7128061 then paste to kr.neet

Most of them require
2 Fractonium
15 athillonium
xx material 1
xx material 2

If you need this 315 gun
here an actuall material


ah ok ty so much, so I should go ahead and craft an aufghowle bow then once my mystical cube stops fkng me over and gives my practonium, if the orange bow isn’t in itos yet I don’t wanna be gimp while waiting on IMC, who knows when the next update will be - we have atleast 47 more updates of 2 misc UI fixes and 5 new loading screens before any actual content again

So technically speaking, everyone will need 5x of any SAME purple main weapon recipe to craft a Paper Cube that will drop a random lv 315 orange recipe?

Then after getting the orange recipe, you will need the individual orange recipe mats to make the orange weapons.

Wow that’s one tedious process in making a orange recipe. Tedious and very expensive. Then is it safe to say that all purple recipes are just “crafting mats rarity” and should be relatively cheap then and not worth over 1 million.

The recipes are worth only a few hundred thousand here … so i would say that only paper cube recipe is the one having issue lol. And the RNG --____–

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So no more whites/blue rank gears past the 220s?
Everyone now, must grind/buy for their purple/orange gears at lvl300+s if they want to keep up with game?
That’s quite harsh endgame treatment.

considering the fact blue/purple gears base line at 220 ( they are quite affordable now)…

Kinda harsh to those rushers without gears but… yea… Basically the artificial difficultly level just rose way too much…

Best of all they are saying it’s a casual game… lel…

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Yes that’s it…

The biggest problem is Fractonium right now 1 character can get 1 Fractonium but it need 2 Fractonium to craft 315 item so you need 2nd 320+ alt or buy it from other player.

There is blue equipment
compare it to purple equipment .

Its not that bad tbh, you have to jump on the current event though, if you have been exchanging 5 dumpling recipes a day for an instance reset voucher you can make 2mil silver a day just off doing x6 145 runs. The ores are terribly priced, ferinium and phydecium hover between 60-100k (doable) its the portium that kills you (260k).
You can try solo’ng the crystal mines mission, its not hard to kill the bosses b4 the vubbe flags solo, jus keep a safe distance BUT since the nerf the drops are horrible, last 1 I solod I only got 2 ores, said fk it. In 2 days ive already farmed enough silver to buy x15 phydecium, x15 ferinium and x14 portium.
I’m 0/2 on my practonium from my mystical cube though, 1st roll was x4 keistas pots, 24hrs later 2nd roll was mithril ore. Hopefully tomorrow I get my practonium, i’m only a day or 2 away from crafting my 315 bow if I can catch a break on my cube.

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i still havent undersoot how to obtain the recipe for astra bow it seems quite complicate…can someone explain a noob how to? what is a paper cube ?_?
i need to understand if it’s worth to go for astra or if i can set for aufgowle

For what i’m seeing this is how it works (This is only in kToS currently)
There is one white recipe for each purple 315 item which will produce the Paper Cube(all recipes produce the same paper cube)

This (white)recipe requires 5 of the same (purple)recipe and 2 Artilonium

The paper cube, when opened gives any Orange 315 recipe randomly

Example: You find the Recipe - Paper Cube for the lion head shield
You craft the paper cube using 5 shield recipes and the ores
You open the Paper Cube and get your Astra bow recipe(or gun, dagger, sword etc…)

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Can someone post the new changes for the gems? The link doesn’t open for me. Thank you.

Click on the arrow to show each gem


Thank you, there might now be hope for Warlocks.

Ktos player said to me that they still stack but the keistas potion + sp potion stacking to double glassmole effect doesn’t work anymore

Can anyone find more information on Guardian Saint now? Whether Koreans like it, how does it compare to other rank 3 picks, etc.

Love the glasses + costume combo


Thaumaturge really needs a revamp if those changes are coming. 3 ranks for stats that can be easily made up with gems or helmet enchants. As if the class didn’t suck enough already.