Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

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Yeah you need like +3-5 to begin to tell it’s doing something.

I wonder if you can have 3 similar/same options… like roll movement speed or AoE attack range/ratio 3 times on one item.

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something as in “turning multishot into AoE”?

remember, there are 3 hair costume available. hair costume 1,2 and 3.
3 AOE ratio isn’t small if you think of the other game items such as Vubbe Fighter Gauntlets(2AOE) and Gladiator band(1AOE).

is now available in the



Can vary, but I guess Swordies will hunt this that’s for sure.

You can spectate Arena matches which is pretty cool.

i don’t think it’s possible

inb4 they patch Archer skills so that can’t happen /kappa
Unles it can’t happen to begin with.

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So far:
-The HP from my monk was reduced by 1000.
-Sometimes Stamina Pills are used , but they dont give me any stamina at all.
-I tried to use Safety Zone in a map, and the attribute was not added.

can fletchers use crossbows now? i read a line that emits something like that ¬

mine reduced by 1700, exactly the same amount plate mastery supposed to gimme OTL, my bet is that plate mastery not working.

  1.   쇠뇌 아이템으로 플레쳐 스킬을 사용할 수 있도록 변경됩니다.

-yes you can.

Yeah, probably is plate mastery.

Welp, none of the attributes are working. The toggle-able ones will if you turn them off and on, but only for one skill cast. As for toggle-able passive attributes like Krivis: Fire Resistance, they’ll only work for a few seconds then bug out again.

well i think you can roll something like: +fire att with +holy att and +lightning att.

[quote=“Jariu, post:2000, topic:125464”]
Unles it can’t happen to begin with.
[/quote]It has been proven to be possible in iCBT2… but you need like tons of AoE ratio for that.

it’s magic attack not magic buff