Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Have you seen any major errors with the translated skill descriptions? Most of them seem correct (based on skill data as well), but I’ve included the raw korean text if you want to check.

On the other hand I think Earth element would make sense too…like Runes engraved into stones or something…XD but we will see… I think it is a hidden class btw. It kinda feels like they are adding hidden classes now for each class…

It’s probably a hidden class, yes. It’s not listed as one yet but I expect that will change as the class becomes more complete.

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Hmm…and that Tiwaz seems like it will be holy maybe…XD I guess you are right.

Interestingly, they have added a model and entity data for ‘rune_stone’. This model has different animations for each type of Runecaster skill as well.

It’s likely to be used in the skill animation (i.e. They will generate/use runestones and the skill will be casted from that stone they summon).


In the worst case scenario, theyll make Rune Casters skills work like PoEs totems… -__-’

Nope, all good! :slight_smile:

maybe, unless they already have the information and purposely not put it in to keep people on their toes

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I wanna know where shadowmancer ends up, im guessing rank 2/3 hidden to stand along with pyro cryo etc

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I like how they name and runes used actually reflect that skill function like Isa meaning ice, Thurisaz meaning giants, etc.

Hagalaz means hailstones/catastrophe (weather) but since the skill icon has sparks on it, it might be a hybrid of Zaibas and Chain Lightning (mage class is long overdue with electrical spell)

Seeing how this class is somewhat an elementalist, maybe it requires you to have elementalist as one of the class before you can be a rune caster? (similar to chaplain needing priest)

From the description of Hagalaz it is like that. ( The damage bouncing to nearby targets )

or with that description it could be a aoe centered on you.


It is as a target location, but you could probably center on yourself if you want, it will hit a lot of enemies based upon the description of the skill.

지정한 위치에 == A Targeted Location

edit: removed some surplus text, sry

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Chain lightning makes sense according to the description…and there are some sparks… but the stone itself looks like it just wants to explode…XD I think I would go with the “catastrophe” translation… xD

I don’t think it needs elementalist. Chaplain actually uses/strengthens Priest skills so that seems different.

Could you tell me what the other skill names mean that left? :sweat_smile:

Hagalaz – “Hag-all-az” – Literally: “Hail” or “Hailstone” – Esoteric: Crisis or Radical Change

Key Concepts: hailstones, crisis and catastrophe, disruption, radical change, destructive elements of nature, severe weather, the uncontrollable, unavoidable unpleasantness, Jungian shadow, psychoanalysis, regression, acceptance of the unalterable

Isa – “Iss-ah” – Literally: “Ice” – Esoteric: Stasis, Stillness

Rune of concentration of things in a static or frozen state. Rune of stillness and the Ego-Self.

Thurisaz – “Thor-is-as” – Literally: “Thurses” or “Giants” – Esoteric: Strong one, Resistance

Key Concepts: Unconscious forces, sociological forces, Thor, Loki as giant, chaos, destruction by natural forces, complexities of aggression, conflicts, disputes, psychological problems, lightning, breakthrough, aggressive male sexuality, battering down barriers, thorn of awakening, trouble, enthusiasm

Tiwaz – “Tea-waz” – Literally: “The god, Tyr” – Esoteric: Justice, Sacrifice

Rune of the balance and justice ruled from a higher rationality. The rune of sacrifice of the individual (self) for well-being of the whole (society).

Algiz (or Elhaz) – “Al-jiz” – Literally: “Elk” – Esoteric: Protection, Higher Self

Rune of the essential link or connection with the patterns of divine or archetypal consciousness, such as the Valkyrie. Rune of the possible danger of realizing this link when unprepared.


So with the recent patch, if you use Fade inside Safety Zone, you will carry the zone with you aka you will have a protective barrier around you when you walk around…Is that a bug or secret interaction between skills??

Those new costume and now this? Why Archer alway come the last one ;w;

“It’s better to be late, than to arrive ugly.” :candy: