Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Ahem… so what are y’ all betting we are getting this night?
I’m feeling it for archer right now, the group needs something coming their way recently.


Hoping for cleric… And hoping this is R8 cleric

Abandon your hopes, haha.

Hold on, hold on.
When was that no one picket Bash before?
The betas?
because nowadays since IToS opened (And I think since KToS opened) getting that thing to three is a free knockdown skill that works with anything and has a respectably fast animation which is super handy.

i think they’re leaving archer for last.
so gonna be cleric this week

Uh… either I’m completely missing something or you should get better at phracing.
Edit: Oh don’t just edit it to look good after someone points it out without a note, you weenie!

I’m waiting for clerics information, but i want demand this week to be archers highlight.


Well if not that, than lets at least hope Druid3 is good

… Dafuq happened to this thread? Walls of texts in just a few hours? … rofl you guys need to chill a bit the changes not even here yet but anyways the anticipation kills some i guess anyways im drunk see y’all later have fun debating hahaha

love all the “omg this thing changed by 5%, my character is RUINED”

The purpose is the same, only difference is the efficiency, which has gone up at doing its purpose.
The purpose of Helm Chopper and Seism is a combination of their Stun and Damage.

that’s probably not r8 cleric seeing as we already “know” the r8 cleric classes, that’s not daoshi, but could be inquisitor, but some people have said archer

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Exactly, we know Hackapel sure but that can still pull out tricks.
Raitarii is quite the mistery as a class.
Will Musketeer become even stronger?
Will Cannoneer show us more of why they are the GvG option? THe answer is yes because they told us in the Swordsman oen but whatever.
Will they try to fix/help/SOMTHING Falconer at C3?
What the hell was the other Rank6 class?
Edit: Reiter, eh they good so lets see what happens there I guess.
WHERE THE SECRET CLASS AT, but this is not gonna be in previews so unrelated.

Although we do share the same interests in Cleric.

Ya’ll should know by now NOT to presume what IMC will do. I presumed that we’d get skin colors when they add more cosmetics. Guess who was fooled there? :grinning:

For that reason, kindly wait until people see where the Guardian multiplier applies in the damage formula before complaining about Pel. If it still applies in the same place like Gung-ho, then it’d act like a more defensive Deeds, and apply much less to the damage formula than you’d expect. On the other hand, if it applies just outside the Enhance addition, then it would be a larger more accurate representation of what it decreases.

Now then, bad salty water out of here, Gimme that Cleric. They’ll probably save Archers for last so they can shock-value the Miho/Hanuushi. But hnnng I need to see my KabbalistC2. Hell, Druid and Oracle 3 should be incredibly interesting all things considered.

Well, since i play as a tank and i adressed that problem at iCBT i’ll take some things to spotlight…

Here goes the Text Wall about class balance

We all know that ToS got a lot of balancing issues that are slowly being fixed (at least they’re trying to) to make skills and classes more attractive and we usually see a lot of buffs for one or two skill nerfs.

I’ve made a topic at iCBT about Peltastas, as the only Defensive class at the tree since Rodelero is an Offensive one, complaining that they didn’t had tools enough to do their job since they got more offensive skills than defensive and all the CC was flat or gain through attributes along with the terrible scales for the skills that had the right direction.

It seems like the major problem with the whole self balancing (only related to a single class) is that it lacks direction to what the skills can offer, taking Helm Chopper as an example (since it was quoted here) it only gets more damage per level as any generic offensive skill and as result it gets shadowed by other skills that can do the same better with more points, this lead us to the current scenario where some skills worth none or only single point and that’s also the reason that support/defensive builds get all spare points into “the skill that deals more damage” because they don’t have anything better to get.

As buggy as Hunter is, this class is the one of the best examples of a good self balancing class since each single skill got different aplications and also offer unique things to your build and even the offensive skills got enought distinction to make one better than other for diferent playstyles, each single point will get your skill better by all aspects.

I can understand that a lot of players will get frustrated because they went to Peltasta for a single skill attribute but that’s not what the class was meant to be (it’s the same as getting Cataphract for the mount), the current state is so bad that a lot of the builds have 9 points can be completely wasted because the player never intended to use a shield aside for C block.

It’s a shame that IMC doesn’t get us a class reset after skill balance, if they only returned all points from classes with significant changes…

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Eh my memory ain’t that good, specially for something that’s unreleased.

Didn’t Snatching get nerfed t onot work on bosses?
but yeah that’s a downside of throw, had to have one after all.
Well, Musketter itself goes with anything weapon of choice aside, but I will mention that I’m still baffled it doesn’t have an Kneeling Shot speciality attribute let me tell you.

i heard kabbalist 2 is supposed to get a serpent (snake)

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