Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Yeah and can we get option to disable mount and weapon/shield visual and replace it with icon while at it?/sarcasm

Cmon, has actual reasoning behind why the helm is needed considering the effects it grants
2.its the uniquest and coolest about this class right now, especially in the swordy branch where the classes all seem too similar anyway without a closer look.

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Thanks, good to know they really drop in fedimian mission, even at low chance gotta make use of the alts :smile:

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So what you guys think, Spear Lunge + Finestra 100% uptime or +100% to all melee physical attacks from Serpentine?

The build is Pelt>Hop>CataC3>(probably HopC2)>Lancer

cant compare yet

we dont even know what wiill lancer provide

Dragoon2 is really strong for PVE for sure

but lancer looks like a utility class not damage

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how this attribute work, i don’t get it
20% for large
10% for boss ?
so large boss give 30% bonus??

In kTOS GvG, is it possible to use weapon and food buffs from squire?

Note the use of ‘‘respectively’’ at the end of it.
Meaning that it’s 20% on large monsters and 10% on bosses, bosses are a separate category and thus you should get the boss bonus.

Not expecting announcements, just more files to be datamined!

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can you guys use the monster card system in battle arena? like for example the minotaur stun chance cards?

gonna crack up at all the 280s archers that jump to rank8 right away because its new.

and then someone finally finds the secrets to miko hidden archer class a few weeks later and they’re all **** I WANTED THAT

whats miko/kannushi? shrine maide?

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oh i see, ty


why it should be arcer ?
did no one of you think that kanushi is cleric that can eguiped with bow
sorry for bad english

In a mix of IMC don’t care and videogames not care.
In other words, whatever they feel like doing.

Talk about Miko and Kannushi, don’t forget there is Ensemble Skills on Ragnarok Online from Archer tree, require a Bard/Minstrel and Dancer/Gypsy in the same party, with a whip and instrument equipped and standing next to each other to play(wiki). So if we are talking about them, maybe there is a chance for Archer support class in ToS XD

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Yeah and they are gonna be deemed useless because you are never going to see it happen.
I only saw a pair of those in a party ONCE in all my time playing RO and I have no idea if they even used the ensemble skills, even in friggin’ WoE they didn’t bother the few times I saw a pair of those there.

Ensembles were essential in WOE, like the strongest defensive skills in the game. There was one ensemble that was like Diev Tree and was used on portal entrances, so it worked like a perfect fodder filter for castle defense.