Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Hi, it does AoE multihit dmg right now on Fedimian.
Sorry for sound. Some ambient online.


Thatā€™s pretty interesting, I thought it was a low damage single target skill. Itā€™s better than I thought, hope we see more Corsair 3 around when this gets buffed.

Thanks for the video!

Since they gave kToS our skill stuff, Iā€™m assuming Steady Aim will keep itā€™s measly 10s duration. Sad, really

thread with full draw before you shoot spiral.
Possession is one of the lovely high quantity hit moves. FC at 31. Merely an example that is without feint for perspective.
Plenty can be gotten out of Ranger, maintain the farce though.
Steady aim is @ 45 is central to things like HA but that skill is poor regardless of SAā€™s state.
All key skills do their job sufficiently.

yea its cute, and impractical in 70% of scenarios.
I like how you talk about spiral arrow singular about it being comparable to other c4 skills (its not) and I bring up how it doesnā€™t even compare to c1 skills, you pull out to add another move for it. hey if your doing thatā€¦

guess what wins over that in practically and damage, multishot+circling.

in the end, now that ranger is so underpar after the steady aim nerf that its actually a four circle class! If you go all the way to r3, you have to throw in a circle of rogue to make barrage worth a damn past lv150

Ranger 3 is garbage, end of story. all your arguments in this thread make you seem like you havenā€™t played archer, or if you have, you havenā€™t gone past level 200

Spiral shot + full draw wont help you in et, world boss, or dungeon. it only has its uses in general questing and pve which is already a joke. gj wasting 3 circles

t. Mad swordsman player

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it should be class reset skill not skill resetā€¦

I bet that lots of 200+ lv Swordsmans would love to be now C3 Swordie for max Concetration buff effect.

No to mentions those who went for Highlander builds in hope that 0 CD Skyliner will come to iToS

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I wonder if you can go Sw3-HL2-Barb1 now for Skyliner + Double Slash, as both have 3 overcharge and both get buffed by Cleave as per kToS patch and also bleeding from Crosscut. Both would also be relatively cheap to max attrib.


Full Draw +Spiral arrow is a hidden interaction as is Feint + Barrage. Not bringing up the combo would be a waste.
Im never speaking about Spiral without FD. I could just Flare shot in that case.
You can do multishot + circling so what? Im not decrying combinations, hidden or otherwise because they are intended to empower.
Ms + Circling doesnt mean its rocking into your build to grab Falconer, now does it? FD is basic because its C1 so a Ranger c3 knows they can access it for Spiral. Rogue is a linear path without backtracking. Gets value out of multiple skills. Steady aim just promoted fletchers taking 3 ranks for 1 buff. Other skills not working with Fletcher doesnt change the polarizing effect of a 45% steady aim which is now addressed for both versions. The power ceiling is appropriate now which leads to side grades like a HA or TB buff so that they are in the competition for players skill points.

multi-shot is a single target multihit move, yes making it hit multiple targets through circling/Links makes it better, thats obvious. In other news, wugushis like Links, and water is wet. This game receives constant skill updates as games often do, theyre free to address SA now instead of later.

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Guys guys, obviously every C3 is trash unless itā€™s WizC3EleC3, so now shuT THE HELL UP AND GO MAKE YOUR OWN THREAD FOR ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  SAKE.


LOL, best comment ever.
that idiot should ctrl c+v the ktos version to steam version, not the other way around -.-

This please, noone care about your ranger sucks debate.

Donā€™t close this topic because you desperately need to demonstrate superiority over someone youā€™ll never see.

Edit : Also, C3 Psycho beg to differ :stuck_out_tongue:

waiting for them koreans to rage and squeeze out class reset from imc :imp: :imp: :imp:

Some Korean players of an MMO discover their capability of pressing more than one button due to a change in the gameā€™s skill balance, reports say that there exist a few relapse cases in which some of said players resort to angry and/or nonsensical statements as they refuse to employ this new ability some of their comrades have developed.
Weā€™ll follow their developent through the next two weeks, please stay tunned and wait for our final report at the end of the aforementioned two weeks.

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That sounds nice on paper, but Iā€™d rather have my doppel at rank 6 instead of barb.

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I donā€™t think it is hidden. Physical link made by FD will multiply dmg on the 2nd mob. I often use it with barbed arrow to reach 99999 dmg :blush:

"2) Attendance check for 30 mins of playing, earn up to 10 mil of Silver & Items~!

  • When your team has stayed connected to the game for at least 30 minutes consecutively, you will become eligible for monthly rewards.
  • Thereā€™s a daily silver jackpot item thatā€™s given, thereā€™s also a chance at getting a Stat Reset Potion !"

I need this on iTOS!!! :heart_eyes:

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This reminds me of Florensia Online.