Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Just providing you with some information, mate, since you seemed misinformed on the whole dragoon thing. Don’t get all defensive.


I correct my statement since I’m describing the late medieval popular lance design we commonly see today, as lances were still the correct term for a polearm commonly used by cavalry. The cataphracts meant fully covered if I recall so the concept of covering yourself completely for protection existed before the term was generalized, and I must be describing a similarly fully-armored cavalryman with sword but was still coined as a cataphract (just read now, indeed, what I was describing was a Sassanid Cataphract with a sword, and there are many variations, all of which being heavily armored but have weapons ranging from composite bow, spathas, and lances/kontarions).

Based on the Kontarion (the ones cataphracts used are shorter than their skutatoi frontliners and enough to be hurled like a javelin), Lancers do sound like they’d be somewhat an extension for cataphracts.

True enough, but the last part is meant due to us being not only off-topic but also puting big walls o’ text in said off-topicness.
And we can’t have that now, can we?


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If they really commit to the lancer gimmick I could see the appeal of having both. Cataphracts have Trot, give lancers a Gallop ability that ramps up speed over a few seconds and at top speed lets you lance enemies with your other abilities so you’d be constantly circling and charging in. The gimmick might eventually get old in PvE but it would be a blast in PvP.

It’s off-topic according to you, but for myself and others the variety of classes based on historical sources is a very interesting part of the game.

Aren’t you that guy who thinks all addons should be bannable, and various other nonsense?

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In the KR Version the Pardoner Buff Shop Blessing scalate with Stats or just the Priest’s casting it normally?

Shops did not scale with stats last time I checked patch notes.

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I’m not sure i’ll tell you why. There are some vídeos of “2 hour” blessing buffed playes dealing +400-+1400 per hit.

I really hope they didn’t change that. I’m all for pardoner shops but I think that they overshadow actually bringing fullsupport out. I thought that was the whole point of the change. I hope it’s a bug :confused:


Indeed, maybe its a bug (judging the patch notes, it is a bug for sure). Check the buff duration, and its boosting +419 per tick.

Well, there we go in the Pardoner buffs matter.

@SlyGoat Dunno about you, but honestly I gave up in drawing paralels to reality the moment I remembered that ‘‘Barbarian’’ was literally just the generic term with which romans called anyone that wasn’t living in the empire.


Glad to know I was right!


Check newer videos, still giving high amount of damage. Maybe its a bug.

Yes so nobody should give a ■■■■ about anything but Wizards since you can’t apply medieval nonsense in this game to warrant classes like archers and the different ways you can use a bow and swordsmen with different weapon choices that hardly matter because of their current state. Wizards don’t have any medieval references that would allude to them using magic in wars outside of curses and superstition minus their class names. Actually, just call the classes ranged dps, healer, melee garbage and wizard because medieval references are garbo.

Oh yeah, at least I give a ■■■■ about your comment, that should make you feel special in the meantime.

A bug?
In ToS’ programing!?
Who could’ve predicted such tragedy!!!1!11!!1


Ofc me, the captain obvious!

Fresh install, recv invalid packet 5.
The ■■■■?

The blessing is working as intended post blessing changes. ( Via Spell Shop )

It means your connection to the server has timed out.

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If Dragoon C2 doesn’t get much (I mean just another atk skill) in a Cata C3 build, maybe taking Hop C2 would be better looking at Lancer in Rank 8?

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