Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

hey guys can i ask if there is a way to go to klaipeda from orsha at lower levels

Party up with a friend, TP to a completed quest.

My melee characters swing their weapons 2 times. Is it like this for evryone or is there some kind of problem on my end?

I´m crashing every 3-5 minutes, is this happening to someone else?

Its your high ping, Try to use Wtfast

No, didn’t see with anyone else too.

Thanks I’ll try that.

thanks for the idea :smiley:

i ended up searching the market for the warp scroll and lo and behold some guy was selling them for 4k a pop xD, can probably make some good money selling warp scrolls you can buy for 500 silver off npc’s lol

doing 2 main towns quest lines for double the exp cards is pretty awesome :smiley:

Oh, sounds like fun. If anyone wants to help a newcomer, pm Spellbinder (my team name.) I don’t mind partying with new people. Have fun, everyone!

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really why the trade option is not on… this suxx so hard

i can’t really read korean, why is game offline? XD

i saw the golden system message, but couldn’t figure what it was about

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it is maintenance from now to 3 hours later

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3 hour maintenance.

Seems like they are adding a dynamic channel creation system?

don rush for level now, grind as much money as you can, mobs spawn is quite a lot. they could just removing the mobs spawn 3x effect after a period when everybody settle to a certain level.

With that logic, leveling further ahead = more money from higher level monsters as well.

80k in 3 star maps per mob, solo :sunny:

agh, i didn’t even get to level 40 Y_Y.
well, i hope their plan comes through, but it was funny seeing 15 people standing on the green arrow to the next map

What is the lowest level 3 star map available? Because lvl 1-200 is 200 total million exp. lvl 200-230 is 400 million total exp…
With low exp rate it might be forever till that 80k silver a kill is available.

The WTFast trick does not work for me. I think im doing something wrong.
Can someone please give me step by step instructions please. I really want to get this thing working.
The way I’m doing it right now:

  1. open WTFast and login
  2. launch ToS, press game start on the homepage of Nexon and press start on the launcher that opens up
  3. go into char lodge and do nothing
  4. start a custom game for ToS with the configurations shown in the posted pictures and go back to char lodge.
  5. do nothing and wait around a minute.
  6. start the game.

Doesnt work for me this way. What am i doing wrong or what are you doing different?

here is a world map, i think you’re right at 200 - 230.

earliest i see on this one is lvl 204

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i’m not even 20 yet z___z

was at college all day, played for 2~3 hours now, then server maintenance z_______z

when the maintenance is over, it’ll be about 11PM here and i have classes tomorrow :frowning:


i grinded at milner village for 1 hours to get around like 120k