Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

not sure thats its update weekly or not but almost everyweek prepatch note alway come at tuesday

like this

or this from nexon forum last week

Yes, that is exactly what I posted, here is the original:

It was posted Tuesday, and is the prepatch notice.

Seem like my firefox is fked up -.- have to ctrl+f5 on every thread.

I can’t find any GE bunny girl costume image…


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If they consider finished balancing at that, I weep for swordmen future :joy:

AND Sadhu and Paladin and Krivis and Thaumaturge and Necromancer and Sorcerer and Rogue and like basically other classes outside “meta.”


People still use krivis though, at least for Daino

Sorcerer, well, the amount of summon bot in Dina bee farm is still more than the swordman population

KToS getting server merges at July huh? Also new costume concept art found(?).


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I’ll pay for the bokor attributes if that is the new wheel chair zombie :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

jTOS 2nc promo mv

Official press release event on 12 July


That’s just one of Magi’s artworks.
God I hate how people think literally everything Maggi posts on her Twitter is for ToS, she points it out when that’s the case you brutes!

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That should actually be the concept art for the new white bunny headband and costume for wizard class in the pre-patch notice.


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Who know who knows, admitedly I’m jsut venting on that anoyance because boy do people lust over anything she trows at them.
Well, she has said she does it for fanservice and if the people in these forums and outside of it prove anything is that it damn works alright.

There are a couple of things I want to say about that mate :joy:

  • Even after those buff, swordman is still the underdog, because it isn’t enough. I’m not saying about the damage, it’s about the mobility and utility. Still same old bad DPS in PvE and can’t reach opponent in PvP. Until they solve that, swordman won’t see light
  • They will keep balancing it, yes. The point is it takes too long. The population will die out before they bring it over here. Without players, they cannot balance it correctly.

Those and the pelt issue as well.


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Oh please, Itos just has an easily influenced bandwagon.
As evident by the raging boner this community has for the Arde dagger.
While screaming how much they all Love Con.
Half the playerbase still thinks defense is a useless stat.

How can swordsman ever be legit when people worship stupid crap half the time.
Like all the “Muskateer omg 400%” so gewd nonsense in PvE.


Friendly reminder that this is the kTOS general thread.


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