Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I’m okay with this suggestion. Blizzard did it many time and it was nice.

a flying type wizard, why not name witch rather than enchanter? jk

I don’t rly agree with it. I think it is quite a suicide to build on the current ranks only…or at least ppl should realise that their build will be messed up for sure in the long run.
Just look at those Plague Doctors and Kabbalists…are you sure all of them will want to keep these classes in their builds when rank 8 comes out? I see a high chance for a lot of regrets when they find out they want a rank 8 class and they only included these classes for 1 rank… I don’t say they can’t be good for that 1 rank/circle but maybe some ppl would have never pick them up if they could have known more.

Circles mean a lot too btw and I kinda feel like you miss that factor… Maybe they won’t even regret their build because of rank 8 classes… Maybe they will regret it because of what Druid c3 will offer for example and their is little to no way to still include that in their builds.

I don’t know if ppl rly see it who don’t want any class reset but we lack a lot of knowledge and we only will be able to make rly good complete builds when we will get that knowledge… for now we can just have fun…for some time… It is not rly a good design like this imo because those who actually rly care about their builds should start playing like at least 1-2 years later…X)

Although just want to clear that I’m against these class reset ideas where you just switch from 1 class to another. I support resets that erase your last rank(s) and you have to work that back with your new class choice.

I rly rly want to see if your opinion still will be the same after we get a few more new ranks. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The character builds i have where rank 8 could change my mind, are waiting on rank 6. The only ones i take up to 7 are the ones i know my choice won’t change with rank 8.

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Yeah I’m actually thinking of stopping at rank6 too… but I still don’t find it a good design like this.

You will always struggle with your main char if you should advance further or not while you can have fun with characters you don’t rly care of… I don’t rly like the thought of this.

It’s hard for me btw because I’m not interested in Rank7 classes that much…unless their circle 2 could offer something I would like to see in my build.

So if I see something that I’m interested in on Rank8 that could save my life…but if I will still feel like I would be better with a lower rank class that actually means for me that I can wait for even more ranks to come out… :confused:

Here’s the thing though, you also have to keep in mind what you do before getting there.
Yes people may like DruidC3 a lot, but what ift he rest of your build has little to no sinergy with that anyways?
Will switching one class fix that?
Will the grind that you will have to do be worth it alongside being one rank behind?
The intrincacies are just too many to simpoly go ‘‘oh well just offer one or two rank resets that make you have to grind it off again sure whatever’’, but then people will complain A LOT about how slow doing that is, if it happens.

Of course the ‘‘RLY good complete builds’’ will only happen once we have all the classes, we will have, well, all options so it’s logical we are going to be able to do better. But people should understand that you do not need to play ‘‘optimal’’ builds to do well in this game and people have showed this again and again with things such as an SquireC3 being part of one of the first groups to finish Earth Tower, people often dismised them absolutely useless in a party for that yet they did it.
So, people really need to loosen up about just how important new ranks can affect their builds and realize that changing one or two classes will rarely be the solution to their ‘‘problem’’ to begin with.

Haha…XD I meant if it would fit in your build but you can’t choose that anymore. You should be rly dumb if you want a class that completly doesn’t fit into your build. You definitely should make a new character for it if that’s the case.

Like I said I’m not rly interested in Kabbalist for example at the moment but it already has skills that benefits any kind of build so it can turn out that I will want Kabbalist because of its circle 2 easily. Same for PD… it would benefit me already…I’m just not interested in it…at least now.

I think maaaaybe it is mainly a struggle for cleric builds…because clerics are too versatile… X)

I think for the more cleverly built up builds it could be enough. It still would be better than nothing.

I’m sure it would instead of a complete reroll without your achievements etc.

I understand this. I had a Priest c3 Krivis c2 in the second icbt and some ppl asked me if I chose Krivis for my last rank because the costume… … … and yes it was a perfectly fine build. I loved it. But then my dream class Chaplain came and that 1 class already changed my build totally. If we would have get Chaplain like…now…I would be totally upset and feel like I messed up everything and I have to start over…but at least that would be just 5 ranks…

Anyway it is not just about optimal…cookiecutter builds… it is about fun too. I’m rly interested in Sheperd or Fortune Teller too. They most likely offer totally different playstyles and totally different fun… so what if one of them would fit in my build but I already started something that just seemed simply acceptable for my build but not that entertaining?

From this point of view…I’m quite afraid of other hidden classes too btw or that chaplain will get higher circles later…

Btw it is still a bit annoying too that we don’t know what will be the max rank. Because if actually their would be that much ranks that some mistakes rly couldn’t even matter than I think I would have a different opinion.

This is a bit other topic and also I know a lot of ppl don’t rly care about it… but I actually have some friends who stopped playing because they felt like there is not enough info in the game and I think they got scared they will mess it up.

…and I understand them… and I’m starting to be afraid that the game is not friendly enough with new players. I told them they could be fine with less optimal builds too…but here comes the question… did it satisfy them? Does it satisfy ANYBODY?

I don’t know I feel like the game should be a bit more forgiving and newbie friendly… and I also see some kind of class resets as an option to that direction too.

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the problem is that witch was mostly used for female wizards and that would leave the male version feeling weird for most if called witch :expressionless:

enchanter is more general and can go both ways

I read somewhere that warlock is actually the male version of witch…so :smiley:

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male Witch is Mitch. jk

anyway they call it enchanter because of its skills settings. the broom will be a good toppings on it. lol

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Well, thing with ‘‘we don’t know what the max rank will be’’ is that ‘‘Max Rank’’ can potentially increase infinitevely as the game NEEDS more ranks for more skills and more levels aka more game.
I do agree that the unclearness in Secret Classes getting more circles is a problem, but I already adressed how picking a class in a Rank that has yet to be released works.

@fitzfeliz, yeah that’s pretty much how Rank8 should go, it really is quite simple when you get down to it a lot of the time.

This exactly.
I myself am just going Wiz3:Ele3 cause it’s a solid, complete shell. Stopping at Rank 6.

Most who complain wanting a Rank reset (for “Rank8+ classes!”) are probably those who went builds like Wiz3:Ele3:War1 because Warlock gave the most DPS at the 7th rank. Thus they want instant gratification without wanting to worry if Warlock C2/3 are even worth it in the slightest.
It’s very possible that they even push back some C1 skills into later ranks (Like most Rank6 C1 before Rank7 came out and allowed for C2). Sort of Pigeonholing them into taking those ranks if they want to salvage their build.

People should get classes cause it synergizes with their intended archtype. That’s how you get a good build.
Not just adding on the latest class released to your build cause it looks Strong or Hyped.

So, I’m not really interested in the guild battles (even though I was huge into WoE in RO)… but I was thinking;

Would Physical Link 15 actually be good in these to split the damage to a manageable number? Does Physical Link make AoE only hit the group once (Like Joint Penalty + Flame Ground) or is it useless because AoE will just completely wipe the party?

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Play ur class, love ur pick. Thats the main reason why class reset is a big NO!. U dont simply remake ur whole char just to make it synergize with ur rank 8 skill.

This isnt true, after rank 6 we basically consider the question - if rank 8 gave a class type better than warlock so that warlock 2 isnt worth taking, is there still any other class at rank 7 worth taking more than warlock 1?
You basically have Thauma1/linker1/RC/Pyro1/Cryo1/Kino1/Sorc1/Necro1 to choose from for your rank 7 class. After careful consideration you realize none of them are likely better than warlock regardless of what the rank 8 class might be.

Warlock provides much more than dps. It compensates for a lot of ele’s weaknesses (single target + air) and gives you a lot of utility.

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More people than you think pick Featherfoot as their R7 class in WizC3EleC3 thanks to the added durability and skills that sinergise with other classes which makes it quite good in party play.

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I wasn’t talking about taking a single Rank 8 new class in replacement of Warlock C2.

But perhaps in Rank9 you’d want to take Wiz3:Ele3:Chrono3 to self-pass yourself to increase the amount of Frost Cloud/Hail you’d like to cast on rotation.
Maybe Rank10 has the single best DPS in the Wizard Tree at C1, and you wanted that Chrono3 build. If you took Warlock on Rank7, you can no longer take both Chrono 3 and that new Rank 10 in your build.

(IIRC, the original plan was for Rank10 as the highest rank. Although that may have changed already)

The game is still in development. If you plan for just the current latest rank (7, with the anticipation of 8) then you run the risk of locking out possible class builds in the future.
(Which, would likely lead to postings of “New ranks came out, I demand a class reset for TP.”)

PS: I’m not saying taking Warlock 1 in Rank 7 is bad. I’m talking about the mindset of taking a class now, compared to holding back some ranks to future-proof your build.

Edit to quick respond to below:
(Because I don’t want to drag out this topic in the ktos general thread)

  1. You can’t be “Forced” to pick something. You are also not “locked in” to a class if you haven’t picked one yet and are just holding back on the character’s ranks.

  2. If my choice is between rerolling because of a bad build, or waiting. I’m fine with waiting. You’re able to also build characters which are “complete” at Rank 7, or 8. Nothing is stopping a player from using an alt while you wait.
    Likewise, nothing is stopping one from just maxing out their character based on current information. Just don’t cry “Class reset NOW” if it turns out that you are unhappy with your build.

  3. Chronomancer was obviously just an example to illustrate a point. I’m not arguing any pros or cons of including it in a Wiz3:Ele3 build.

But going by your logic here youll be waiting at rank6 for rank 10 to come out :wink:
If you cant make a decision rank 7 youll be forced to when rank 8 comes out and 9-10 are nowhere near in sight.

Also you go into chrono, youre locked into chrono. This strategy risks everything on rank 10, which is much riskier than going warlock rank 7 imo.
Being able to pass yourself is alluring, but passing just elementalist skills (and whatever rank 10 gives you) risks putting you in a 1. huge dps disadvantage rank 7-9 since elementalist skills are single-area focued (mobbing ground enemies who arent ice based), and 2. dillema if rank 10 skills dont have enough synergy with pass and ele skills.

lmao I thought we were on a wizard thread.

Changes due in the upcoming June 2nd patch :

  1. Guild War Bug fixes & guild war balancing changes
  2. General skill balances & bug fixing



I wonder if the new Optimization Measures will be applied on Korean server.

Also I am 80% confident that Cryomancer and Psychokino will be nerfed again this week. These two classes are going way too wild recently and most of players are very angry about the imbalance.