Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Run back and then go around, is hard to do if you have high ping.

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did we had a patch today? .-.

i swear my patcher downloaded something G_G

1000s for lv1
5000s for lv5

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I do, seems impossible but wth, iobt is coming ā€œsoonā€ xD

How is Summmon Shogoth now?

Iirc, they reverted the summon to not be that organic ugly thing anymore, but the original one, or am i mistaken?

I am almost setled with my build for the western release, just wondering if I would take that skill or not.

And for confirmation, i heard ppl saying Telekinesis and Raise canā€™t be prevented by PD/Oracle, is that true?

even if not stoppable, telekinesis still has a chance of failing as far as I remember correctly

Summon Shogoth is the same as in iCBT2.

Yeah, i failed it already due to SPR probably. But if it is not completely negated by those classes Psycho wont be dead weightā€¦

And I dont rememeber wich one was thatā€¦ was that the ā€œboss made of corpsesā€ or the organic ugly thing?

-Edit: just checked on YT, its the ugly thing.
'K, spending my points on dirty pole instead.


Whatā€™s different between block Rate and Block ?

I think one is at what rate an attack can be blocked and the other one is the dmg that is blocked :S

someone correctly if am wrong :slight_smile:

A stronger dirty pole is always better ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā° )



This is what we know so far:

Block is a stat that represents your chance to succesfully negate a physical attack. Exact formula is unknown for now, but it almost sertainly depends on your level - the more you level up, the more block stat you need to have ~100% chance.

Block Rate was originally meant to be a multiplier to your Block Stat - the more Rate you have, the more effective each point of block become. Right now, however, it seems that Block rate forcefully set to have only two values - 0 and 1.

Lets seeā€¦

(BlockRate*BlockStat) + SkillBlockStat

Something like this. As you see, as long as you have Block Rate being 0 (no shield) your natural block (from high CON for instance) will be always zero, and wonā€™t appear in your stat window. If you have no shield or other gear that adds to your Block Rate [at least] 1, you are only able to block with skills like Stone Skin.


so you mean,
if iā€™ve 200con thats mean 200 block stat
with aias i got 400block
and with wall guard i got 600block ? not mention if iā€™m a pelasta that give 25% block when using shield also + finestra
itā€™s mean iā€™ve block more than stone skin skill ? ( with 0 SPR )
Stone skin level 5 = Block: +(400 + SPR Ɨ 4)

Right now having Block Rate 2 and more has no particular meaning, it will be set to 1 forcefully. Think of Block Rate as of permission to use your natural block at all.

But originally it was meant to work the way you pointed, it seems. Was that an idea that was eventually scrapped or it will be implemented after devs deal with stat balance - i have no idea.

Block Rate = (Successful) block rate
Block = The act of blocking

What are the prices for alchemist potions atm?
Iā€™m wondering if I should be making an alchemist alt to make potions for my main

bump if this still works, for anyone not wanting to buy founders pack. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, but 6% isnt enough to motivate me to level an alt which is what itā€™s supposed to do.

I will start asking money on the streets so I can move to korea :sob:

I donā€™t want to live in a place where paying for early beta testing is a thing T^T

I take nexon over this new imc move :frowning: