Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

And animation fixes for noble long hair !!!

Also missions will match within a 10 level range if you queue for under 5 minutes. That’s pretty nice, no more getting auto-finder queue’d into a party with someone 20-30 levels higher.

  • If you achieved a 100% rate of exploration maps, you can get a reward.

That I like.


Hmmm… guess no hidden class for archer again :confused:
Got new video for snipe?

The patch isn’t out yet, those are early comments I’d assume.

Anyone who is starting out in kTOS or looking for someone to grind with send me a message.

noob question time:

where do i get the shield with ice dmg?
and i think there is another shield with elemental dmg, am i right?
(can’t find either on the market D: )

in 115 instance dungeon. you must be looking for ledas shield.
there’s also another shield with ele.dmg. Otrava shield. recipe is dropped in 217 instance dungeon

p.s note that both shields are not tradable. recipe also

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It is now possible to remap keybinds via ingame UI right? Can you remap off hand ‘c’ to right mouse button?

I did something similar to what you’re saying in iCBT by editing the hotkey xmls. I ended up having to rebind my mouse3-5 keys through my mouse driver to letters. The XML files didn’t have configs on the left and right mouse clicks. So I couldn’t redo them. :confused:

My best guess based on the naming convention they used is you could maybe do it with “RMOUSE”. But I never tested it. And that wouldn’t unbind it’s original uses. It would just try to do both.

It would be a HUGE QoL thing for me. I hope someone in ktos can confirm.

carefull with datamining and stuff ^^.

Thin lines between banable and not banable ^^.

I had all the maps I visited at 100% on icbt2 and I hated when map was at 97% and you have no idea what small part of the map is missing xD

but the reward (icoins) was worth ir… hope here is worth it too

You’ll have to literally lick the walls :smiley:

I became quite the expert at it after the 100lvl map xD

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I’ve been searching for Treasure Box in every single map on kToS so I’ve a lot of maps with 100% completion. I wonder if I’ll get the reward for those already completed or not.

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During iCBT i’ve got to top 100 on rankings with a lvl 100 Scout because of exploration

Cloaking is almost unstoppable, and i’ve got to see how the 170s grind at the time,fun stuff

AOE ≠ Range

Was the change in AoE or range? because doesnt make sense to change the range… it’s a “sniper” right? :disappointed_relieved:

AoE, on other side, makes sense to fix if its hitting more than one…

I don’t really like since my map was glitching on my first character and I couldn’t complete them without changing channels on every spot that I suspected. ;-;

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