Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

If there’s a PD/Oracle in your party, Wugushi is useless. If there isn’t they will kill you with a single cast of Blow Needle. Can’t bring consumables into the arena, so no Detox.

Another thing that was “balanced”.

So it’s seem to be a high risk, high reward :open_mouth:

Resisted =/= unable to prevent or remove
You can’t resist it with SPR anymore.

Prevention and removal skills or items still works on Wugushi Poison.However I don’t think you can stop Throw Gu Pot Poison.

Test it out and see or have someone test it for you.

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oh common, who’d said it was a tank build rodelero eh?

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Personally I think that any kind of competitive pvp needs to be as balanced as possible, so that the only factors for winning is a players skill and understanding of their class and team.

Standardized gear and levels helps here, but classes will never really be balanced, so long as it’s close enough, it’s okay.

That being said, guild pvp is just all out open pk, no gear standardization or anything. Arena PvP currently is just for fun, with the only rewards being exp cards which are limited and even losing will get you them, and a statue for top 3.

GvG is where you can somewhat get rewarded by halting another guild from making money via their tower as well as being fun. But in the future I think there should be some meaningful type of pvp.

Maybe something like alliance wars or raid pvp with bosses and loot to deal with a long side having open flagged pvp between guilds.


I plan to go Wugushi C3, the thing is, what should I pick at R7, Cannon or Sniper…I mean musketeer , any idea guys?

Both are good,so it depends on you really.


Basically what you are asking is to have two separate PVP environments. One is equalized gear and the other is your-own gear. Right?

I will forward it to our Dev team.


One other thing that is a big pain right now is missions. If missions could average the level of the party, rather than taking the highest level in the party, it would make using auto-finder to queue much more fun. Too often you get in a party with someone 15-20 levels higher than you, and all the monsters are too hard because they are also 15-20 levels higher.


Yes and thank you very much :joy:, you’re the real MVP!


D: who are you calling a giant monster D:

jk :yum:

I almost fall in love with our dear, dutiful STAFF John… :flushed:
Thank you for listening to every players’ opinions. XD

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refer-a-friend no please, ppl always abuse that system :expressionless:

To summarize, make the auto-finder to find the users “in the same level bracket as you” right?


No desire for a level 70 dungeon? What a shame.
With the amount of characters we make going through it again is like meeeeeeeeeeeeh.

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refer-a-friend aka make-as-much-dummy-accounts-as-you-please.


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it all depends on how it’s done… am sure the devs can think of a nice way to give birth to the idea :wink:

May I add one more request … actually refine old request

I would also like an option to make friendly PVP (no reward) more customization

  1. option on team up as individual and form party with random people or join as whole party
  2. option on match selected opponent or random
  3. option on balance item and level
  4. option on cooldown reset
  5. option on consumable item usage
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Just rather there be a dungeon in that area given 1) team play is more fun and prevalent in the early game at dungeons

  1. I think most players here have multiple alts and will continue to make alts into the International version. It would be nice.

Oh and as far as questing goes.
Making some key quest mobs not take minutes to spawn would be nice when there’s only say 12 of them on the map and multiple wanted them for a quest (Glizardons in tenet for example).
That’ll be a pain on launch, although I’ll likely just skip the quest.