Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Linker changed a bit. It doenst multiply the dot and aoe damage anymore.

But hit’s get shared…

ATM , yes.

That buff was too much.

Before aoe was wizz role. Single was archer role.
Now Archers dish out more aoe then wizz … they use more sp… but whatever. SP potz chugging is easily done, money spent wisely.

I hope they will fix and balance alot… AND we WILL get THAT patch… not an old one.

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does this mean, new character? it stated “new user”, does it valid for old account with new character?

Calm down, bro. 90% population is absolutely overstating. Only Fletcher, Musketeer, and Cannoneer have powerful skill damage, hence the synergy with steady aim. Remember, only skill damage, not overall damage. Remember, how much overall damage can be acquired at rank 7 vs. how much the additional skill bonus may be.

I agree with you…

Ranger + Fletcher overall damage is injured due to animation delay from Steady Aim and Fletcher’s skills. Most people thinks that if you watch a video where some class deal a massive damage in some situation (Top items, a certain monster, after debuffs) this class will one-shot every boss/monster/player of this game.

Will someone give a quick review or do full translation of information from this page

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Steady aim applies to all damage you deal.

As an aside.
Is earthwave the only Cataphract skill that gets more hits with more ranks?

Steady aim applies to all damage you deal.

Any source or proof? Anyone else here can confirm, perhaps?

ha, lazy to do full translation.summary here:

but there are 3 sections:
1st section: it seems need a total new FRESH ACCOUNT to get those item. so forget about that.
2nd section: TREOFSAVIOR each alphabet will be dropping by mob randomly. 1 set to exchange the box and the box will randomly give you the item. there is limit numbers for exchanging it. unopened box will be trashed after april 17.
3rd section: +50% exp from 18/feb until 10/mar 6pm-12am daily. pc bang +60%.

Source is my own ranger, and stating that it did as such back when the patch originally happened.
Both the % and + damage will apply to your basic attacks.
Don’t take my word for it if you dont wish to, only takes 20 minutes to make a ranger yourself.

Only thing that didnt actually happen was the SP reduction but they removed that statement anyways since it wasn’t happening.

Yeap, I’ve a lvl 183 Ranger 3 > Fletcher 2 in KOBT

Alrighty, mate. Thanks!

To be more precise, the effect of Steady Aim applies only to Missile type attack.

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I have a ranger in kToS and it’s only [Missile] damage.

Also as an aside, the attribute for steady aim no longer seems to work ( or at least do what it used to ). I put levels into it, but don’t get any bonus +2 damage.

Running shot as it stands right now is a bit broken. On paper, it should double your auto attack damage, but it also adds 30% faster attack speed, which in theory would make it 260% increase in damage. However, for some reason it also adds a second hit equal to your base attack (which can crit), which ups it even more, and if you have any elemental damage and skills that deal additional damage on hit, these will activate faster with increased attack speed. You can combo it with Kneeling Shot to improve the effect even more. The end result is auto attacks eclipsing skill attacks while allowing full movement speed.

I like the idea of an auto attack based class, but right now it’s a bit too much. They could start with changing that bonus second hit, which kind of puts it over the top.

I think one of problems is the Grand Cross, you have 200% increased damage with running shot lvl 5, with Grand Cross you can use running shot lvl 7, so its 280% increased damage with 30% more atk speed for 27 seconds and the damage lost for using a lvl 40 xbow is replaced by Arde dagger / Mana-mana.

Here’s a more detailed summary of the 2nd Event:

##Alphabet Hunt

  • Event Duration: 18th of February until 10th of March.
  1. Hunt monsters and collect ‘alphabet items’.
  2. Collect ‘alphabet items’ to make specific words (TREE, SAVIOR or TREE OF SAVIOR), and go to the [Magic Association NPC] in either Klaipeda or Orsha.
  3. Exchange these words with the NPC to obtain the corresponding boxes.

You can check the contents of the boxes by clicking the buttons underneath each.

  • Note: The ‘TREE x5’ and ‘SAVIOR x5’ exchange boxes have a higher chance of obtaining better items than their alternative counterpart according to the TIP! underneath each.

Event Details

  • There are 10 possible alphabet items to be acquired. (T,R,E,O,F,S,A,V,I,R)
  • Alphabet items will be deleted on March 24th so exchange all your items before then. (Items acquired from the boxes will not be deleted)
  • However, Silver Payment Boxes, 정착지원 포션 (support potion), and unopened boxes will be deleted during 7th April’s patch.
  • You can obtain one random item when opening a box, based on the box’s contents.
  • Some items obtained from the boxes cannot be traded.
  • There is a limit to the amount of boxes which can be exchanged:

-TREE: Limit of 400 boxes per character
-SAVIOR: Limit of 400 boxes per character
-TREE OF SAVIOR: Limit of 50 boxes per character
-‘TREE x5’ and ‘SAVIOR x5’ boxes count as 5 boxes (you only receive 1 box, but they have a higher chance of acquiring a better item).
-However, TREE OF SAVIOR only has one exchange (cannot exchange 5 ‘TREE OF SAVIOR’ for a better box.)

  • Limitations on acquiring Alphabet items:

-Can’t drop Alphabet Items from monsters who are 20 levels lower/higher than you.
-Can’t drop Alphabet Items from monsters in Quest Scenarios that you are repeating. (i.e. Dying/abandoning a quest and retrying the scenario.)


Well. I’d say people are just crying a lot. Almost all circle 3 classes gets something that “is too op”.

Get a +45% skills with musketeer vs a cleric with all buffs that it can have plus insane 40+ hits on safety zone and a lot of heal squares. The musketeer can’t do almost nothing in the other team.

Get two classes to C3 (rank 7), a really low ping, learn to do animation cancel, then you have those op QS 3 which won’t happen to most of us. But then just get an tanker with a lot of defense and block and you’re done. You just need to get near them as those QS are dumping a lot of points into STR so it’s likely they won’t dodge that much nor block if they don’t have Aias.

Get a Doppelsoeldner C2 and you already have insane DPS vs bosses and groups of monsters and pvp, think of C3.

Think of Cataphract C3 with Rush and Trot so you have a LOT of movement speed and good skills to do a lot of multi-hit damage at once.

Get a C3 Priest or even Chapplein and you have a nice revive and set of skills.

Get a C3 Krivis and your zaibas will be awesome.

“OP archers” are just specialized classes that everyone can do it with any class.


The rewards can be crazy geez.
Edit: What’s with the whole Lvs and chests things higher on the page?

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I know xD.

But that damage buff ruined all my builds… q.q i still can build how i like. But i might lose out on lot’s of bonus dps in lategame.

% buffs are always too good.

WS3 is so good, because it got a flat % buff to auto atks too …

And i know for a fact. That pvp wise, rouge +scout really does hit hard.
Karcha for 4x damage… if it’s still in. On Backstab can nuke anyone xD.

Luckily you can hit people in stealth … and burrow.