Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Kinos and Cryos got the


tell me this nerf is only for pvp. otherwise they’re crapping kino pve-wise again

EDIT: nvm, I just missed the notice, so silly of me

actually not, if anything it’s just rebalanced, you can still do something like:

raise (optional) > magnetic force > swap (with bind attribute) > GP for the same effect pre-nerf

Can the targets attack/use skills?

Wow, I’d rather have the no damage gravity pole back.

Because the more I play PvP and GvG, the more I loathe Psychokino. I would be more than happy to see this class being nerfed to the dust.

Yes, you can attack, jump, or do whatever you want. So if the Psychokino does not have Sure Spell buff, besides running away, you can just attack and interrupt Gravity Pole.

The bunny costume is only for female wizards?

Maybe now they’ll allow Psychokino to rotate while using GP :smiley:

maybe we need walking gp. this skill is seriously now overshadow by frost cloud where victim stagger to its death without slow debuff.

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I’m still waiting for more party based content, if they’re adding more quests to the unfinished sections where people grinded to get past, this is going to get really sad really fast.

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thanks so much.

& you’re right - this is the most vaguely written change ever.

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They could’ve just reduced the draging in a bit, geez, Psycho is suposed to a high reward high risk (Admitedly this one varies according to the situation) CC class in PvP.

Anyone can wear the hat though, it looks better than the other bunny ears.

This probably hurts wiz3psy3 the most.

Imc doesn’t like money, making bunny costume class restricted.

Feel my pain :relieved:

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They FINALLY figured out why people hate Gravity Pole so much.

I don’t know why they thought nerfing the damage would solve anything

It’s not about the damage, it’s about the CC which is impossible to deal with and lasts for like forever


If you watched GVG videos, it was basically teams of Psychokino’s all pointing gravity pole at each other, and the first person to hit the other one wins. It was a bit silly. Not to mention gravity pole spawn camping and other such fun. I can see being upset as a Psychokino player, but the skill was completely broken for pvp.


I’m 100% fine with it as long as it still works the same against monsters. It’s hard enough killing things as-is!

I love all the Kino nerfs, since i gave up on the boring Wiz3Kino3 “meta” build long ago to do my scrub-but-fun build with only 1 circle of it. <3

Anyone knows how much essential Sure Spell was shown to be on PvP and GvG, tho? I can’t find room for a circle 2 Wiz on my build (specially if it is not a matter of being completely useless on those circunstances, otherwise i may sacrifice Rank 8 for it…).

@tomgo32000 Any chance you could test Swap for us? I’m curious how long this “bind” lasts for.

Thanks in advance!