Tree of Savior Forum

KTOS CBT3 English Translationpack by

Awesome Lester! Thanks! Also for anyone following this for the first time. You should be doing this with the launcher opened and fully updated (I believe). If not it will re-patch or atleast mine did :stuck_out_tongue:

Ohw God, youā€™re saving me again <3
Thanks for the pack !

Thanks guys. PS donā€™t piss yourself if youā€™re using controllerā€¦They just patched in rumbleā€¦? x_x

No, because they said we (the international beta users) will use the KCBT3 client.

the version is the same like the ktos client, they did not talked about to let you play in korean.

this would be a huge mess if they would do this :smile:

This is much appreciated! I was having a hard time questing yesterday on the KR server, thanks a lot!

you are welcome ^^

i am going to translate the party menu and so on today, as soon as i am finish, i will update the pack here.


Kind regards


Would it be much work for you and Flash to translate the active and passive Skills you can buy from the class Trainer? For now, i dont have much clue what i am even buying ^^

Welā€™ll see what we can do. For know you might want to check our Attribute Database:

Sorry for missing filter options :confused: Iā€™ll add them later!

thank you for the translation pack.

We updated the Translation Pack for the Korean CBT3, based on the English CBT Client + some small adjustments from us.

Enjoy the Korean CBT3 in nearly complete english :smiley:

Kind regards
Your TOSBase Team

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Iā€™v did not get a key for International CBT, but Iā€™m playing KR CBT, so Iā€™m glad for that! :wink:
Thank you!

for any translator here with an extra key.
i have a long vacation this week and i can fully optimize this to play and find bugs within the game
Thank You.

Please tell me what program you unpack and pack ipf files?

@Gardosen do you make a Translation Pack for the Korean OBT?