Tree of Savior Forum

KRtos (class, content) vids & discussion : first post = retiari & onmyouji vids (CLOSED TOPIC BY REQUEST)

And what about sp costs, what do you guys think?
i was planning to go full SPR onmi, since i have a decent weapon.
maybe gonna try some crazy sorcerer build, idk
2 weeks rank reset pls imc, i wanna test so many builds ooh shiet

i will go for full SPR too :slight_smile: (cuz will go linker and sorc) i watched omnis video and his spells cost imo much sp :stuck_out_tongue: not so much as shadowmancer but still much :stuck_out_tongue:

The SP consumption is more than manageable, but if you go omni2 full spr is very very good for the shield buff… The shield is amazing, i expect even a nerf for the melee evade attribute maybe.

Saw Bong video demonstration of Onmyouji. I got the impression that turtle shield can prevent cast interruption.
which led me to think this could work nicely.

Class costume test Onmyoji

heres my attempt

Hmmmm Seems like Onmyoji has good AOE skills but the damage really lacking. My Warlock could easily kill 300DG boss with demon claw x 2 and maybe Mastema.

Also, The tree skills, how does it work? It seems the duration is really short… I hope IMC can buff this character if not I don’t think it’s really worth the change?

Does Onmyoji’s genbu shield have hidden surespell effect?

Tree and its pull last for 3 seconds… and that is pretty bad.

No, if you look at the video carefully, his casting got interrupted quite a few time.

Wow… 3 Seconds of pull which they can easily jump out of… the spell would end before they could even struggle

the tree is ok,or you rather imc gut the pull effect from that skill for good like they did to frost pillar… we cant choose… lets just be happy the pull is back… we have other means of pulling like linker… ;-



aww rip so need atleast wiz2 to work properly…

Can someone give me information about the “Title Collection”? Whats the bonus we get and if Event Titles are shared across all team characters

edit: also, someone have a guide of how to get all ingame titles avaliable?

edit2: someone flagged my post as off-topic lel, this title collection is new on ktest/ktos don’t think this is offtopic.

Did IMC forget this thing they did dividing classes into 2 groups?
r1-r7: “noob” classes
r8-up: “pro” classes

The “noob” classes were supposed to be “throw away” classes if they didn’t have support/utility while the “pro” classes where the identity of the class tree you chose. If it’s dps, it better be good/great dps. IF its support/utility it better be good/great support/utility.

Omnyoji … meh at both.

I’m guessing the answer is no, since I’ve seen no mention of it, but just going to check if anyone knows here. Are any Retiari skills cloneable?

Back again! Forum hit me left right with error 500 and 502. :sleepy: Cannot load all posts without delay right now, please post question again if unanswered.

You referred to the wizard3 psychokino3 runecaster1 sage2 build solo CM5 here.
And the wiz3 thaum1 sorc1 runecaster necromancer3 CM5 solo here

Most wizards are able to solo until CM5 pretty well. Wizards have great AoE after the big wizard patch. Just need high attack and good survival.

All repost videos:
Wiz3 ele3 sorc1 shadow2 CM5 here
Wiz3 ele3 runecaster1 shadow2 CM5 here
Wiz3 ele3 featherfoot3 (best survival for sausys room9 CM5 due to levitate) here
(bit older video) mario giant build wiz2 - wiz3/pyro1 - thauma3 runecaster enchanter2 CM5 here and variation on mario build CM5 here (after a later patch, cannot use flame ground in giant mode anymore though)
Pyro2 thauma3 sorc1 enchanter2 CM5 here
Kannushi, get more info about wizard classes at the back up guide collection here, in case forum down again.

Please refer to this post here

I remember there was already a guide on kr forum about the new titles. I do not pay a lot of attention to achievement & title. I remember my character received some minor bonus stats (+Stats, +damage) in a new interface.

Wow crash forever :no_mouth:

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I think Onmyouji was conceived as a “really big aoe” class. Most skills can hit an area as big as meteor’s. Having little damage is probably the way devs found to balance this out.