Tree of Savior Forum

[KTEST] New Pyro Elemama Skills

With Flame Ground, Meteor deals 5 hits.


How’s the new fireball+flare interaction? If you hit a target with fireball and then use flare, does the fireball detonates or it must be intact like exorcism+magnus exorcismus pre patch?

Currently you can use Flare on a Fireball that has already hit enemies and is just there running out of time.

I don’t know if it is intended or not, but Flare + Fireball is not an AoE attack. One enemy inside the Fireball usual AoE will be chosen to take Flare’s damage, and that’s it.

It is a lot better to just use Flare with Flame Ground, Firewall or Fire Pillar, since those can tag multiple enemies at the same time for Flare proccs.


i wanna know what happen when flame ground + meteor… it says 5 strikes…

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Do you know if the ticen magician gem(frost cloud) would give +1 storm dust skill?

Will it be a bit too many skills to rotate if we combine pyro+ele+WL. Since the cooldowns are shorter and electrocute has more overheat, combined with demon scratch 3 overheat.

Has Flare gotten a boost as well? To the point that it is a mandatory skill for effective damage?

imo its good to use after fire ground or pillar :slight_smile:


What does the C3 attribute for Storm Dust do?

Anyone knows the values of the new Pyro skills?

I was thinking along the route of making a fire mage as a sub for fun, with Pyro3+Thauma2/3 for buffs (since it is a sub, can’t fund it much), and maybe sage2 to fill up the slots. Wonder if it will be strong enough to rely on just Pyro3 skills for damage.

guys do you have tested pyro skills with elementalist stone curse? because new petrification mobs recive more fire damage.

Would Sage or Shadow be better for Pyro3 as another form of damage? (Pyro3>Thauma2/3>???). Already gonna have Ele as my main so I wanna try something different.

Petrification is still the same as always. A terrible skill in all means.

I would pick Sage as a damage dealer only if you also got Wiz2 for Sleep’s attribute and higher bonus from Lethargy.

Otherwise go with Shadow/WL/Ele/etc.

How does Sleep and Lethargy help Sage2 in particular?

I was thinking of using Sage2 dimension compression on mobs stuck in fire pillar, and ultimate dimension with other pyro skills for extra damage.

But Shadow seem to have better single target damage from Shadow Thorn.

Sleep c2 attribute can double damage of neutral-magic attacks.
Lethargy c2 attribute increase damage of magic circles.

Since I’m not going to have Wiz2, does Wiz1>Pyro3>Thauma3>Shadow2 seem like a good choice for a sub? I hope that the reset event allows us to advance without completing the quests.

Would it be better to go full SPR since shadow has high mp consumption and Thauma3 can benefit from it?

Yes, it looks good. Thauma 3 will help save a lot of money. My thauma3 reaches 5,4k matk with only a vienarazis mace +10 (currently. After thauma swell right hand nerf, will be less).
You may try min-max spr/int, but going full SPR is okay too. You will have good damage yourself, and will be good support-dps for your party.
Also, consider wiz1>pyro2>Thauma3>sorc1>Shadow2, it is a good path if you want to put to good use all that built spr. Bad side is that you will need to spend more silver for boss card and a good weapon to help summon damage.