Tree of Savior Forum

[kTest[Ktos]] Class rework thread

What is
value = 240 + ([Skill Level] - 1) × 0
for cleric DoT skills
Skill levels really give no extra %damage :scream:
This is Cure skill damage value

Ty, It seems that only headbutt will be stronger than earlier rank skills since the damage is always double when using a helmet. Can’t wait :smiley:

T.T you know, i starts playing tos because of rogue class, i keep playing because i like the idea of rogues in this game, i didnt quite this game because i like my rogue.

AND always dreaming about a coming buff or something to fix this lovely but weak class.

and now, ok.

thank you imc

Yes, skill levels don’t give more damage.
Just more hits.

@Sakuya_Iza it is still kTest. They might change it if too many players are unhappy.

i know, i will be w8ing for the new balance is actully out.

hope my fellow rogue players in korea complain hard about this.

Think I might keep my Ranger C3, Rogue C3.

Max out Critical Shot. Full Dex.
Drop into Burrow and just let loose with 80%+ Crit chance and throw in some Spiral Arrow.

Then be useless for awhile.
If Feint + Barrage is still good…might be in business.

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LMFAO do not cry ma savior :disappointed_relieved:


spiral arrow looks not that great from ktest database…its like 200%x6 i think

As we mentioned on our official forum, there will be opportunities to reset your characters so do not worry and consider (study) which builds you have to choooose :smiley:

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Correct. That should be 1200% with 2 overheat.
It’s not a huge amount but it will do.

Can you guys find out what the x in ^0.x is for the damage formula?
Everything was posted except that one variable -_-. I assume it wasn’t told to the koreans ; However, if you guys can get in touch with the devs to ask about it or why it was left out I would appreciate it.

but first at frist, werewolf card bug fix when???

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Is there no change for oracle?

Can you please answer my support ticket on a restoration for a deleted character of mine? It’s being 10 days without response after I provided all the details for the process, please help me


can someone show me the numbers on inquisitor monk and paladin? is monk c1 still more useful than monk c3? I’m going to be sad if physical cleric is still carried only by inquisitor

Adding to this, does DEX affect actually affect Double Punch aspd?

haha they just dont wanna talk about bugs XD

they only want to chat with friend players!

They said in the “[RE-EDITED] Plans for Combat System Changes” that DEX will influence some skills. Hopefully Double P. is one of them. But idk… my fps… it just doesn’t help e.e’ I might just VGA with full power monk lol

If it actually does, you know I’ll go full DEX with 8 Ellaganos cards. I’ll just pack 100 Stamina pills or a lot of Red Bulls.

monk gatling gun. Heh that will be fun hahaha’

Going to test this right now, update soon


This. I really welcome this changes lol. We have too much PD’s agny incineration. And I am miko myself loves Hamaya even allows me to DPS but eh… I found it’s weird.
I was wondering if we won’t a any reset class again so we can get our own retribution myself included for not having faith :joy:
Now finally I can see hope for full support cleric
Okay enough for such useless comment *back to lurk