Tree of Savior Forum

Krusaider's new copy pasta

It was just a normal day of Team Battle Queue when suddenly Fedi’s antagonist - Krusaider - went ape mode in my whisper chat. I’m honoured to bring you guys the new Fedimian pasta:

U noob) top all nob tlb ok? U ralib noob Gladius kill u no nor equipe, stupid. U onli tlb, gladius and nolime u faip u nob). I solo kil u) onli vutuBe ahha noob erver 100. 20 memer tbl un u nob? U reali nob, go cantete gvg or moofe nwe canetne? Ofcod? Only bas erver al aserver u bad ame noob. I no noob I pro gaimer tos. Anik stupid u no unirstan me video for noob part u reli nooB. Siriaozli? I went to the arena you val all easy and you even said anik kill. Nesmorty I krasvick if the website you would in the arena the place BV all the podium here as I play KO I have how many character clothings.u no gamer u only donat item) Yuou would mogo 1 ranked Granada 10 TRANS. U only kill noob u no kill good weapo and armmmo U fak vtobe vidieo o delete xserver fedimean 100k pleer areane. U ralele no top plaer.

:tired:7 to pay respects


I hope you have screenshots or video to back that claim :unamused:

I mean, it is Krusaider they are not needed, but there you go:

And now imagine this for and hour and a half (until I blocked him). Basically I took some random “sentences” he sent to me and put them together to make this superb copy pasta.


The only remaining question is:

Why did you take so long before putting him in your block list?


Thanks for the good laugh anyway. I’m still trying to understand a little bit of these hieroglyphs :haha:


Proves are always needed or you would be the one getting in trouble…

:tired: 7

The constant struggle of keeping him on my blocklist and missing out on the meme or letting him run free on my client.


I don’t like to block people, imagine all the drama I would miss :haha:

I understand where you are coming from, but any Fedi player with common sense wouldn’t doubt that the pasta is real.

rofl, he was drunked or what?

U noob) top all nob tlb ok? U ralib noob Gladius kill u no nor equipe, stupid. U onli tlb, gladius and nolime u faip u nob). I solo kil u) onli vutuBe ahha noob erver 100. 20 memer tbl un u nob? U reali nob, go cantete gvg or moofe nwe canetne? Ofcod? Only bas erver al aserver u bad ame noob. I no noob I pro gaimer tos. Anik stupid u no unirstan me video for noob part u reli nooB. Siriaozli? I went to the arena you val all easy and you even said anik kill. Nesmorty I krasvick if the website you would in the arena the place BV all the podium here as I play KO I have how many character clothings.u no gamer u only donat item) Yuou would mogo 1 ranked Granada 10 TRANS. U only kill noob u no kill good weapo and armmmo U fak vtobe vidieo o delete xserver fedimean 100k pleer areane. U ralele no top plaer.

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English translation plox :tired:


me: *thinks about returning to the game*
also me: *sees this* ahhh


RIP Engrish :tired:

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I thought it was you for a second, Sparda. You guys sound almost the same.

HAHAHAHAHA not sure he really stupid or just trolling around

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i bet he was drunk. /20popos

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With him and Moo around Fedi, reading the Shout is a constant challenge …:tired:

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Moo is the one and only saviour, he can do what he pleases. :tired:7

yo noob, i don’t understand noob

edit: after I read again.
yo noob, i still don’t unirstan and i got even more confused boob

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Use blacklist option vs krusaider , its big Russian noob .