Tree of Savior Forum

Krivis, Bokor and Taoist are the worst classes in Tree of Savior

I’d rather they buff Krivis support abilities.

Like reducing the CD on Aukuras so it’s actually easier to relocate, similar to what they did to Diev statues. (Owl used to have 105s CD, now it’s only 50s)

Makes Meltsis’s additional duration based on the maximum duration of the buff, not the current remaining time.

Yeah, Aukarus’ effects are decent but it suffers from that 2 minute cooldown while being unmovable makes it only applicable to timed events or solo grinding. That being said level 15 lets us keep two up at the same time :D. (Even if they don’t buff zaibas I’m still keeping it at lvl 15 :joy:)

LMAO look how bad Krivis and Taoist are

Taoist is good for suport =D
Bokor is ok.
Krivis is ■■■■

i need some advice
krivis2-bokor3-plague doc1-taoist
since melstis an dzaibas r ded

For the sake of decent content, they should probably stay away from making any attack skill less than or close to 100% damage. Or atleast, not place those skills on a 30 second cooldown…

No wonder people are rolling Chaps. Their autoattacks hit roughly as hard as 500% skills.


help me make my decision tankhime!!!

Melstis is still pretty good imo, but Zaibas is just bad. I’d say the PD option just to have another attack to use.
Plus you get Healing Factor and Pandemic for Hexing.

Doc1 is quite useless.
Also Krivis2 is, in my opinion, a bad idea. Krivis either 3 all in for Melstis or not at all.
Ever thought about ditching Krivis completely? Then you can pick Miko for another good skillset and have R7 open for either stuff like Priest 1 for res (which I am not a fan of) or some next level ■■■■ like Kabalist as Ein Sof is a very good SP heal for Effigy and R7 buffs the Zombies which can end up in some good zombie bombing.

A pardoner who doesn’t use pardoner shop buffs? There’s got to be some form of irony there right?

Tbh, the Krivis-Taoist part, was doing much better than the pardoner part of the build and isn’t this before they gave zaibas actual aoe (did they even have the attribute on?)? From an initial observation it doesn’t really look like they’ve played the build that long, things like using divine stigma on the mobs when there are tree crystals next to you for a start. When they made the build I can only assume they thought that they’d be able to extend the storm-calling debuff with discerning evil.

Healing Factor alone makes doc 1 one of the best single rank class, adds in Bloodletting and the rare case of using Bloodletting and the option to Incin (which in party you should have someone to debuff boss anyway, if not you can use Cure or Deprotected Zone to do so)

Wrong. Healing Factor 5 (6) isn’t that strong. At least not strong enough to justify one circle completely for it. Incineration and Pandemic only get really strong with their Rank 2 attributes. Bloodletting is useless because of Dispellers. Fumigate as well. Beak Mask is style points only but this is the only valid reason for 1 circle.

I tried the value circle PD for a long time and in the end Cleric 2 heal is enough and doesn’t justify 1 Circle just for a bit more laziness of a not 100% uptime Healing Factor.

Given that you mentioned Cleric 2
You know Divine Might + lv 5 Healing Factor = 100% up time?

Also, I don’t know what is your definition of strong, but given that even up to lv 300 content I haven’t seen anything that can outdamage healing factor’s heal unless I intentionally try to die (like not moving from a spot, take off a few armor pieces, and don’t fight back) I think it’s plenty strong enough.

Or at least not so ‘quite useless’ as you’d put it.


  1. kriv3bokor3taoist

  2. kriv3sadhu3taoist

  3. kriv3sadhu2mikotaoist

  4. kriv3cleric3mikotaoist

  5. kriv3cleric2priestmikotaoist

which 2 of them are the best?

ANything with summons in general is pretty garbage with this update, Bokur, Soirc both complete trash. even nerco does fairly craptastic damage. The problem is the summons/minions have very poor scaling. a C1 sorc is terribly bad, my friend tried it, his main summon hit for like 400-500, paimon hit for like 230 if he was lucky. He literally could auto attack for more than those 2 summons could hit for combined and thats without any buffs. A R8 sorc I talked to said that when riding a summon and using its big 25s cd aoe it only did like 2500 dmg and 5 hits for 12500 total. I don’t know what the hell they did but they really screwed summoning classes. The reason being is that summon damage scales solely off char level now. Spirit only ups their HP and Evasion.

As for Krivis, I’ve always found that class complete garbage other than daino. IMO The buff limit needs to be removed, and daino needs to be turned into some other skill. The buff limit pisses me off to no end and its unneeded. Pretty annoying as a support char, well semi support (Cleric2-pries3-chaplain), that I have to pick a completly garbage class just because I need a skill it has so I can actually do my job of buffing people. Yes there are daino scrolls but those things are overly expensive for a 2-3 minute buff imo. If it was like a spell shop and they lasted longer, it’d be worth it. Its mostly archers and swordies I have issues buffing since their base buff limit is 2 lower than wizard and clerics. Sword/archers, is 5 (7 with token+rank 5 attribute) where as wizard and clerics is 7 (9 with token+attribute).

They also need to extend the durations of alot of buffs, its annoying having to recast things every 45-60s constantly. Especally in the case of say chaplain where its required I have blessing+Aspergillium+LAst rights+sacrament on so I can kill anything. Maybe double their duration to like 2 minutes would be less of a pain in the butt.

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That is pretty bad, my chaplain would have had that dead before that person casted their 2nd spell lol.

On paper. :joy: :joy: :joy:
If everyone here only cares for sub 315 super casual content you can do whatever you want anyways. And by everything I mean you can even Full Con Musketeer or whatever though the content. Everything with <100k HP dies to 1-2 skills of a blue 270+ weapon anyways.

Well, given that you started your paragraph implying 315 content then somehow ended it with what seem to be about PvP, I’m not sure which content you even count as ‘content’ at all.

Or whether you’re just trying to change topic constantly because you have 0 points to make.

Well whatever. Also I don’t care about PVP and never even mentioned it no clue what you are reading.
But given PD is gone from the decisions anyways:

Stable support. You seem interested in Sadhu and I guess Sadhu3+Miko+Taoist should be doable. I actually didn’t try it so I can’t guarantee it but it should be possible to do Out of Body attack (damage is bad, debuff is good) while doing Kagura Dance. Both Hamaya and Possession gain a lot from Prana.

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