Tree of Savior Forum

Kr Open beta an the other thing

Lol, mybad I get lazy.

Lol, I meant to say is so far the korean open beta is stable with these channels an all compared to how our second beta here went. Also they removed life tokens sadly so if you die i’m sure your pretty ■■■■■■ an also when I hoped on I came across an area loaded with bots an ironically when I said wtf one of them gave me this t-_-t look I kid you not. So therefor I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or not aside from that lets pray Imc has an anti bot program before the english or global release. .-.

the highest chance to find is through dungeon entrances, channel 1.
you’ll find english there sometimes

I know i’ve seen them X)

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Do you play on there?

yes i’m on vakarine server and i post in the kobt thread regularly

Ah cool YumaKugga’s my ingame

kuga* lol had a typo

is that your team name?
i sent a request but it wasn’t possible.
my teamname is Gwenyth by the way

no my team name is WorldTrigger

You are comparing 2 different versions? Really?

Their the same game most things are likely to be similar . <.<

Same game doesn’t mean we get the same version, ours is far behind theirs, we got lots of more bugs and crashes than them,

Lol, only the new classes an maps an few new interfaces they still almost have as plenty full bugs like we did here only thing is its more stable

But they don’t have channel crashes right? Otherwise would be terrible lol.
Well we still have to wait until our next test to see how much it improved.

Rarely but you have a point

Yeah, it will be my critical point, if most of those problems persist on the next test, i will quit, mainly by the lack of seriousness from the company itself, i may come back after release if it get better, but if they do that on a CBT i can imagine things will be bleak later on too.

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Well to be fair I know some games that launch as terrible games and after an Year it got so much better. I intend on giving tree of savior some time before joinning to the fun. No way I will be fighting for weak grind spots.

I got what you mean, but the main issue for me right now are the bugs, i mean, we still had lots of bugs from the first iCBT, even with all the bug reporting.

Well, i’m a very patient guy so i will wait and see for myself how things fare on next test, if it didn’t changed (bug wise) i will stop and wait.

For all now (why for all, and why now? Are we meant to care?) I can say it’s pretty legit [period] (the game in general is…pretty legit? Not sure what that should tell me, but Ok) Theirs There is english players playing hide and seek on the val server (val…Vakarine?) [comma] but they are present [period] Life tokens (you mean the option to resurrect for TP, there is no token involved) has been removed [comma] sadly the market is a bit wacky from what I’ve seen [period] The game balance is alright [comma] but the main issue is the freakin’ bots [comma] like [comma] I certainly have seen a squad of them just posted (located?) in an area [period] I wasn’t sure if I should’ve laughed or been pissed [comma] but it made me go :expressionless: [period] Anyway [comma] that’s my little update [period] Add on if you like (sorry, what?) and gimme your ingame-nicknames if you wish to join the darkside [period]

Did I miss something?

If that’s the “darkside”, then I don’t want any of it, thank you very much XD