Tree of Savior Forum

Knockdown lock problems

There is a mob called windigo shaman that uses magic to knock you down (map lvl 168 Nuoridin Falls). One or two were somewhat okay, however, when doing a quest in the area, fighting a group of them between four to five (sometimes seven), i was continuously knocked down and could not get up. I died four times before i finally could kill them - i could hardly use my skills at all. There were multiple times that they Locked me on the ground. I’m not sure if this was intended or not, but for a mage this is quite annoying as i could not get out of it. The reflect shield also did not help at all for this. The spells were cancelled and on cd from the knock down interference, so i could do nothing at all. I’m not sure if surespell helps with non channeling spells too, but that would force all mages to get that spell and rank it if that were true (I don’t think it is though). This has become more of a problem on higher maps. Maybe I’m missing something about this? Need some thoughts on the situation. :yum:

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I guess you had this problem too? :laughing:

Everyone had the same problem.
But what do you expect?

Months, years, ago, a lot of people were complaining about the mobs that were way too easy. They kept asking and forcing IMC to give them more challenge. This is the result.

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not really, the enemies in that “Hell” have been a pain in the back (specially for wiz) since the map was created :confounded:

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JK :blush:

Ah! using your summons as bait and freezing yourself ehh :yum:

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