Tree of Savior Forum

Knock knock, it's the -19,39% players playing iToS. IMC, you need to make your game work for every player. Let's make iToS playable. [not bait]


Hello saviors, thank you for your attention. Please read these helpfull information I bring to you.

  • How to make iToS great…:

Dear IMC, every player that starts playing iToS gets contaminated by a plague called “the powa leveru”.
As long as this new player gets to the map Tenet Garden the brain washing begins. He will forget every thing about questing and joining dungeons.
This player will for sure find a way to get to Tiltas Valley (via Sage or Squire), he will meet some random Warlock and cry for leech until he hits lvl 100.
After this he will get somehow to fedimian and do some mercenary missions. At this stage the player will or create a new character and write “pt” like a zombie for any warlock near him, or he will get to lvl 120 and ask some random Warlock “pt” in demon prison 2. Until he hits lvl 170+.
After this… sadly, this player will uninstall Tree of Savior, because he will find the game boring and will not know how to play the basics of his job and will not have enough silver to afford a Token.

But now you ask me: “But Pinata, who gives a fu** to new players? If they are weak they should just leave!”
And I say: “Yes, but this is not about new players. This is about high level content problems that reclects in low level players.”

The great issue here is that High lvl players dont have what to do but grind Silver, and items. ToS consumes insene amount of time to have money to upgrade atributes and equipment. 600M isn’t enough for a single character.
With this in mind old players are getting saturated from the game…
Dailys and events are made to enslave you to the game. And your character will never be strong enough to do everything you want. You will need a character for PvP (choose one for 5v5 and one for 2v2), one for GvG (maybe), one for open world and missons pve, one for high dps in boss fights, one for ET meta.
You will have to choose a build that fits in what you want for the game. And will probably re-roll your class every time a new item comes out, or new rank is anounced and breaks the “meta”.
ToS has no real endgame.
This needs to stop!
Players deserve respect from you IMC.
You have to open your mind and free the players to correct their builds with Reset class Vouchers! For Yesterday! You need, no. You must create a real database of the game, with real information such as dpk rate and skill mechanics. But I’ll talk about that later, lazy asses.
Your game has tons of bugs and crashes, it’s like we are playing in alpha early access. So here is the deal: Bread and Circuses.
Give us what we need and buy time.

Boost your servers. More space, more channels!

Cryomancers and sages can crash the game in TBL and GVG. Can you create a “reconect to ongoing match” option??

It’s 2017, we can’t play a game that does not run a minium 40fps.

If we press “n” to open the world map… well, it can freeze ToS.

Can you buff INT attribute? Make it stronger.

Can you buff SPR? Make it usefull.

Can you nerf Heal? It heals too much %.

Can’t you make a “i’m not a robot” test every time someone logs in? “Please type this: oP83eGns3”

Can you make cross-server instances? You know… you dont have 22k players anymore.

Can you stop making enslavable events? Just do a 4x exp event, simple and functional.

Can’t you just remove Token from the game? Just apply the buff to everyone.

Can you fix the bugs that we report and you ignore? Do your job.

Can’t you just remove the limit number of dungeon entrys? Let’s us free to do as much missions as we want for exp. Just remove the silver and cube drop after hiting the cap of 3 entrys.

Add % of maximun life damage.

Can you fix the paladin bug, that causes the monsters to stop spawning?

Can you show something of rank 9?

Can we have more class reset vouchers?

Can we have ingame gm support?

Can you make the game fun before losing another 20% player base?

Mark my words, if you do half of what i’m asking the player base will start to grow.
I know that the problems of ToS are in much deeper grounds. But help your supporters. Bread and Circuses.
Can’t you see that every time you do a maintence without purpose, people leave.

Maybe I’m wrong… and iToS does not need players to run. :confused:
That’s it for now.


[post reserved for future suggestions]

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IMC just need reduce the price of TP shop

Enchant Scroll = 5TP
Warp Scroll = 1TP
Soul Crystal = 2TP

TP Purchase 900 + Bonus 180


tl;dr : IMC, move your arse.


The GvG rankings didn’t even reset, it shows how much they care Lol


Tbl 2v2 statues.
Free tbl all day long


Implement “PK hour” everyday!

One hour each day, PK enabled on all non-town maps.

If only “Neutral” status on guilds were applied Individually for no-penalty PK and players could PvP on any map by the same mechanic + penalty and rewards for player killing.


We did it! Our first <-20% in 2017! \o/


Ah, good ol’ days of “accidental” declarations and such. Fun times! :smiley:

Totally forgot about that! Since i’m not playing gvg since rank 7.
Yet, the rank was already super buged that time… god IMC.


A lot of good suggestion in there, x-server stuff would be neat, also it’s not only the "N"that can freeze your game, the friend list can do it too and quite a lot!! \o/

What I wouldn’t give for IMC just to say “We hear you, we are doing something”…instead we just get silence while the game bleeds players like a sucking chest wound…Makes you wonder if IMC gives two fxxks about the game surviving.

They banned lots of LV+280 Players because that stupid Practonium Cube case, on a shamefull act of put the dirty under the carpet. While the real crashes exploiters botters maybe not even was harmed.

What you even trying to argue about loss of players??

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As a warlock that abuses its mechanics. I think it is hilarious. Invocation has almost no use at end game content but a perfect (this is my spot leave) low level mob farming skill. I think this evil spirit thing needs to be reworked to be stronger but not sustainable more than 10-15 seconds or when away from spirit. Curently it hits peanut damage againts end game 500k hp mobs and have no use other than taking agro…

This would also solve all that low level area botting - farming problem, plus warlock would be a lot more viable at endgame content.

I believe i went a little bit off topic… but felt like saying it anyway.

well, it’s obvious that imc tries to perfume a sewer.
That’s why I’m asking for more perfume.


Welcome to forum of savior. The game. The life.

Oh boy, I forgot about something!
Remember the hype of Fencer c3?? That everyone wanted one so bad?
Well, they don’t have a weapon till this day for rank 8.

rip fencer, gg imc.

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They have one - u “just” need to do Solmiki F40 on a daily basis for about 2 months.
Luckily every Solmiki weapon is so good that everyone wants to get one, because its the best weapon for every class - Oh wait…
Thats why the implemented something that party members can give u their token, so u can farm it with ur grp - so that 4 ppl dont waste their tokens, cuz its useless to get a weapon - Oh wait…