Tree of Savior Forum

Klapedia MaJie Bot 3 Months Later

There are over 35 threads regarding the 3 most infamous bots since the start of founders access; Snowdance, MaJie, and Momohime. And yet somehow MaJie is still running free at Vedas Plateau, this chaplin bot is at the white grolls for 24 hours a day, and has been for over 2 months.
All 3 bots are run by the same user on different accounts, their patterns are identical, and their movements are synced, it took me 2 months just to get IMC Staff to ban Snowdance, what do players have to do to get a fair playing field in this game.
Go check the oracles regarding MaJie’s and Momohime’s team silver earned, then look at their information, what actual people out there spend 24 hours a day at 1 spot for 3 months, simply having a GM whisper a bot “hey are you at keyboard” is not enforcement, at somepoint the gold sellers are occasionally there, do your job IMC.

bump momohime still botting - —