Tree of Savior Forum

[Klaipedia] Looking for guild (found)

EDIT: found one.

So…I started playing ToS with my boyfriend, who has years of friends through RO and knows a lot of people. He’s taking a break from ToS, I’m not, and I’m finding that without him I…don’t know anyone in ToS. Any guilds recruiting?

Team Name: Noether

317 Cryo3 Chrono3 Sage
317 Kriv3 Miko PD Tao
317 Necro3
311 Diev3 Druid3
296 Fletcher3 Hacka
288 Sword2 Barb3 Doppel3
224 Diev3 Kriv3 (in progress)
330 Penguin
157 Priest Kriv Pardoner (can craft Monstrance+Daino scrolls)

Play schedule:
Usually at night (9pm-midnight PST; available most weekends).

Voice chat:
I can hop into discord for ET and such. I will want to be in voice chat with my boyfriend when not doing such activities, though.

Trashy atm, but I have some of the resources to fix that. (I have 1 Pract, a bunch of silver, and a whole lot of indecision).

(In theory I speak French and a bit of Korean, but not good enough for rapid voice chat communication).

Looking for:
A guild that will run endgame PvE content. (I’m interested in ET, but I’ve only run it a couple of times due to the not having ToS friends thing. Similarly haven’t even run Fantasy Library, for all that I found the entrance).

I’m a computer programmer in her 30s. I work late, and therefore can’t get on ToS until fairly late.

Haven’t seen messages from any non-full guilds, but levelled up some characters since I posted; update:

Druid -> 314
Fletcher -> 315
Doppel -> 291
Diev3Krivis3 -> 270

Are you interested in GVG at all? We do ET and such too, but the main focus is GVG/PVP. Whisper me in game if so, name is Narcissus. Guild is Impetus.


I want your penguin

Ah, ok, thanks everyone. After bumping the topic I went from no messages to 3; currently in a guild, yay!

Just level up six characters at the same time in Siaulai. Pets actually seem to gain more exp per Siaulai run than non-pets. (I’m not sure why, but even when the char and the pet were near the same level, the pet’s exp bar would move considerably more; I had a near max level Velhilder as well, but I deleted it for character space >_>).

Possible downsides of this strategy is that you will refer to ToS as “Tree if Siaulai”.

Note that being level 330 doesn’t stop the penguin from getting knocked out by level 120 mobs, so…

I’m not opposed to doing PVP in general (played plenty of pvp in Starcraft, SC2, HotS, TF2, etc) but I’d have to make a PVP char (my only pure CON char is the Cryo Chrono Sage). (Granted, levelling alts is what I do when nobody else is online; probably why I have 8 of them, so I’m sure I’d manage >_>).